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Maritime Forum

Danube Delta toward Sustainable Developed

Stage of project
Stage 1: Concept
Sea basin regions
Black Sea
Climate and the ocean
Topics - other
Biodiversity conservation
Research related to solve marine and societal challenges
Ocean conservation

As I got research skills successfully used in other environmental project, I would like to develop a research project in the wonderful Danube Delta Biosphere reservation in order to develop and propose updated conservation strategies. As the anthropogenic activities are increasing (mostly by land use/land changes and by tourism), and in the context of climate change, I would like to monitor, analyze and model different scenarios for biodiversity dynamics in order to find the most suitable conservation strategies in accord with sustainable development principles. As biodiversity indicators I would focus on birds as Danube Delta is an important Natura 2000 site. The beneficiaries of the project are supposed to be the Danube Delta Biosphere Reservation Administration (DDBRA) and the isolated local community from Danube Delta (that need so bad some updated to reality sustainable development strategies). The project may start in early April (following the birds migration activities) and may end one year later (for covering one full year so all the meteorological conditions). I would like to disseminate the final results and conclusions of the project with the local community, with DDBRA, with local researchers and also I would try to publish them in an international high impact journal. The project is for now just in the idea stage but it may be flexible to different commune objectives.