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Maritime Forum

Ocean At School

Stage of project
Stage 1: Concept
Sea basin regions
Mediterranean Sea
Climate and the ocean
Topics - other
Marine Education
Community engagement - work with local communities to solve local marine and social challenges and with high social acceptance potential

The goal of the Marine Education project is to set up a platform for teachers in which the Ocean Literacy contents are connected to the schooling disciplines with practical examples related to the ocean literacy. The developers and beneficiaries of the projects are teachers and educators which work with children in primary and secondary schools. The teachers and educators can suggest and share links between the ocean literacy principles and contents, and their schooling disciplines, through practical examples to be used during classes in schools by other teachers and educators.The project consist in a website, connected with a cloud database, through which teachers can suggest their own didactic examples of ocean literacy at school in various disciplines. The first contributors are some Ocean Literate professionals which check the cloud data inserted by teachers, and can approve their examples to become part of the Ocean Literacy Didactic Scheme, which other teachers can see and apply at school. It is a social feedback system continuously updating through teachers' feedback. Another contributor is a website developer, which updates and maintain the website and the server for the cloud data.

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