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Maritime Forum

En Quête de Vagues (In Search of Waves)

Stage of project
Stage 3: Pilot phase
Sea basin regions
Atlantic Ocean (including North Sea)
Healthy and clean ocean
Climate and the ocean
Research related to solve marine and societal challenges
Ocean conservation
Business and innovation (creation, process, strategy, product, service, etc.) related to sustainable use of marine resources
Arts: work or artistic expression relating to the ocean - visual arts (drawing, painting, photography, filmmaking, sculpting, etc.), literature (fiction, drama, poetry) and performing arts (dance, music, theatre)

When WWF tells us that half of the ocean’s biodiversity has disappeared in fifty years, one can only wonder why and how to remedy it. It is from these questions that our investigation begins, with the project «En Quête De Vagues» (“In Search of Waves”), launched by Orianne Badji and Juliette Cuegnet.The alarming figures on the TV are no longer enough. We need to go out into the field to understand the real situation. That’s why we are going on our bicycles along the French Atlantic coast, from July 27th to August 4th 2021, with our cameras, to meet the actors of maritime life. It can be organizations, fishermen, scientists, and more. By doing this, we will discover what biodiversity's loss really means, but also what the solutions are. We will film and share our day-to-day adventures and meetings with our community on social media and Youtube in the form of mini-reports. Moreover, the aim is to raise waves of interest and hope about ocean conservation, because from this often follows action : the viewers will understand that, even on a small scale, it is possible to act. This trip is the first phase of the project, and we hope that this experience will help us to learn and go further in the commitment to protect the ocean.