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Maritime Forum

Maritime Law at Oceans and Seas Conservation in Touristic Cities

Stage of project
Stage 1: Concept
Sea basin regions
Mediterranean Sea
Healthy and clean ocean
Research related to solve marine and societal challenges
Ocean conservation
Community engagement - work with local communities to solve local marine and social challenges and with high social acceptance potential

The goal of my project is to solve the problem we have in the area of Barcelona, where we receive every day loads of tourism also by sea (cruises, ferries, vessels...), and that goes to the beach using loads of sunscreen, throwing plastics around with a regulation that puts first the health of our seas and second the tourism, because without a clean sea we can not have visitors. My audience are the local governments, and the regional ones, and also the maritime transport industry and the harbors. I want to rise awareness that by conserving and protecting our seas we all win, and that have to be our priority above the rest, because all those activities wouldn’t exist without the Sea, so that has to be the first we think about before the rest.