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Maritime Forum


Stage of project
Stage 1: Concept
Sea basin regions
Baltic Sea
Healthy and clean ocean
Climate and the ocean
Research related to solve marine and societal challenges
Ocean conservation
Community engagement - work with local communities to solve local marine and social challenges and with high social acceptance potential
Business and innovation (creation, process, strategy, product, service, etc.) related to sustainable use of marine resources

The goal is to get boaters more aware of the current state of the Baltic Sea and to make them participate in conservation. The app is for boaters and for their families who are looking for some entertainment during boat trips and interested to know more about the environment where they are currently sailing. All boaters register with their boat to the app. The location of the boat will help to collect the data of the findings to the map. Boaters register and add a photo of your findings during the trip –collect special points. Saw some algae in the water? Spot a seal? Found a new plant? Data can be used for research purposes as well. It could help other boaters to get to know info about different areas. Boaters can do quizzes about the Baltic Sea together with their boat crew and collect points. This app could be done together with the scientists and other stakeholders who are working for the education of the Baltic Sea. This app could be launched for the summer 2022 and continue for min. 3 years to see how useful the data came to be and how the awareness within the boaters increased. This type of app could make a difference and build up more togetherness within the Baltic Sea boaters. For now, all the information is in FB groups that aren't international. The possibility to show it on the app would make it fun and useful. Contributors would be scientists of the Baltic Sea region, different harbours and others who works with the Baltic Sea. This needs all on board!

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