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Maritime Forum

On the wave

Stage of project
Stage 1: Concept
Sea basin regions
Baltic Sea
Healthy and clean ocean
Food from the ocean
Climate and the ocean
Topics - other
biodiversity, marine awareness
Ocean conservation
Community engagement - work with local communities to solve local marine and social challenges and with high social acceptance potential

Every year thousands of people of all ages from all over Europe and Poland visit one of the biggest seaside festivals, Open'er Festival. It is the perfect place to educate people about maritime awareness. Every major music festival has a dedicated area for this type of action. But why marine education? People coming to the festival not only enjoy the event itself, but also the charms of the city and the beach, and all the nature associated with it. That is why it makes sense to educate them about the ocean (according to OCEAN LITERACY) in a way that is accessible and understandable to the audience. What exactly does this mean? A special stand mixed in the Open'er Festival area is a place where the audience will be able not only to relax between concerts, but also to learn about the underwater ecosystem, how to create and stop polluting the ocean, what sunscreens to use in order not to harm the planet, how to start being more zero-waste, etc. After such a festival, not only beautiful memories will be left, but also the knowledge gained to save our planet.This type of stand could appear every year, not only at this festival, but also throughout Poland. The action would be carried out by marine education specialists and volunteers, probably in cooperation with the Gdynia Aquarium and the "Tiger Lilies" Foundation.