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Maritime Forum
  • News article
  • 21 February 2024
  • Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries
  • 2 min read

News: Call for expression of interest for new Thematic Smart Specialisation Partnerships

Calling all interested S3 stakeholders to apply to the Call for expression of interest for new Thematic Smart Specialisation Partnerships until 29 March 2024, including those focused on innovative sectors of algae-related industries. 

As the European Commission’s major source of support for the implementation of smart specialisation strategies, the S3 Community of Practice (S3 CoP) offers a unique platform for S3 practitioners, experts, policymakers, and other key stakeholders to participate in a bottom-up and region-centric network. It encourages discussions on S3 policy and implementation and facilitates the exchange of valuable information and best practices. 


The Role of Sustainable Blue Economy 

The Communication on Sustainable Blue Economy (SBE) adopted in May 2021 is integral to the European Green Deal. DG MARE recognises Smart Specialisation Strategies (S3) as a key tool for implementing this initiative. S3 acts as a catalyst for transitioning towards a sustainable blue bioeconomy, which includes capitalising on the sustainable utilisation of renewable, living aquatic resources, including algae, sponges, jellyfish, and microorganisms. This dynamic field not only diversifies but transforms the economic landscape by offering a myriad of products, processes, and services. 

Europe, at the forefront of this maritime revolution, fuels its blue economy, generating 4.5 million direct jobs, particularly in regions where alternative opportunities are scarce. Encompassing a spectrum of industries, the blue economy spans both marine and land-based activities, ranging from shipping, fisheries, and ports, shipyards, land-based aquaculture, algae production, and coastal tourism.  

Having said that, the S3 thematic platform for sustainable blue economy, launched in March 2022, provides a collaborative framework for blue economy stakeholders. It supports interregional partnerships and value chains, facilitating cooperation among quadruple helix stakeholders (regions, industry, research and academia and civil society) in thematic areas such as Blue Biotechnology, Marine Renewable Energies, Coastal and Maritime Tourism, Aquaculture, and Fisheries. 


What’s in it for you? 

Are you involved in the algae sector and are interested in joining together with other regions and quadruple helix actors to explore new interregional value chains? Are you looking to address sustainability challenges in the sector trough smart and innovative approaches? Do you have the right expertise and technology? Then, this is the right opportunity for you.  

We encourage you to apply to the Call for Expression of Interest for new partnerships! 

Regional authorities and/or quadruple helix actors with a mandate from their regional authority can also get involved by expressing interest to form a new partnership together with other regions (more information on this is available). 


How to Apply 

The application form to set up a new partnership is open continuously via an online application form on the S3 Community of Practice Website. Two cut-off dates for applications are scheduled each year, with the next cut-off date scheduled for 29 March 2024. The link to Expression of Interest via EU Survey is available on the following link

Check the overview of the Call for expression of interest for new partnerships & the guidance document. Visit the About S3 Smart Specialisation official website/page for more details. 

For more information, contact us at EU4Algae – Contact at contactateu4algae [dot] eu (contact[at]eu4algae[dot]eu) and we will support you getting in touch with the S3 CoP Secretariat at partnershipsats3-cop [dot] eu (partnerships[at]s3-cop[dot]eu) to explore partnership opportunities.  


Publication date
21 February 2024
Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries