EMD In My Country 2021: 232 events! - European Commission Skip to main content
Maritime Forum
  • News announcement
  • 23 March 2021
  • Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries
  • 1 min read

EMD In My Country 2021: 232 events!

Despite the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the EMD In My County organisers scheduled 232 events for 2021, an absolute record in the history of European Maritime Day!

One more record is that EMD In My Country events will take place in 25 countries (21 EU and 4 non-EU counties), covering all the sea basins of the EU.

Check out the detailed lists with locations, dates and the nature of the activities (physical, hybrid or virtual), spot an exciting event in your country, near you or bit away and organise a nice excursion to join or simply get connected on line and enjoy: eco-tours and excursions in coastal areas, beach-cleaning activities, guided tours of ports by boat, visits to maritime museums, aquaria and shipyards, art exhibitions, workshops, conferences, seminars and many other activities with maritime themes.

A special interactive map of the European Atlas of the Seas, including all the EMD In My Country 2021 events, will also be available at EMD web site to make the tracking of the events easier (see the map with the events in 2019)


Publication date
23 March 2021
Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries