Explore Your Ocean with the European Atlas of the Seas and Find the Treasure! - European Commission Skip to main content
Maritime Forum

Explore Your Ocean with the European Atlas of the Seas and Find the Treasure!

Science café/Workshop/Conference/Webinar


General public (> 12 y.o.)
Language: English
Time: 14:00 CET
Duration: 30-60 minutes
Organised by EMODnet Secretariat

You can start this online activity by yourself before the workshop with a treasure hunt! We invite you to discover the European Atlas of the Seas and the associated Teachers Corner’s Quiz section. There, you will find a guide for the treasure hunt that will be made available shortly before the festival. Dive into the Atlas using this guide. Will you find the treasure?

During the online workshop on 22 May, we will discuss the solution to the treasure hunt. You will be able to see how you can use the European Atlas of the Seas to learn more about the ocean and the seas and coasts in Europe and to ask us questions about the Atlas. We will then learn more about the treasure with a short quiz! Curious?

We look forward to meeting you at this online workshop!

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