- common fisheries policy | sustainable fisheries | fisheries policy
- Thursday 4 July 2019, 00:00 (CEST)
Practical information
- When
- Thursday 4 July 2019, 00:00 (CEST)
- Languages
- English
summary of meeting is here
marine litter | Andreea Strachinescu | Head of Unit, DG MARE |
World Shipping Council | Lars Kjaer | Senior Vice President, World Shipping Council |
Surfrider | Antidia Citores | Legal, Lobbying and Campaign Manager, Surfrider |
local impact | Bert Wassink, | Mayor of Terscheling municipality |
Vessel traffic monitoring and incident reporting, including on containers lost at sea, Union Maritime Information and Exchange System, | Jacob Terling | DG MOVE |
Marine equipment, accident investigation perspectives | John Burke | DG MOVE |
Environmental impact from lost containers | Michail Georgios Papadoyannakis | DG ENV |
Concerns and experience of P&I industry on lost containers | Bjarne Augestad, | |
Effects of the MSC Zoe incident on the Dutch Fishing for Litter programme and on fishers who participate | Mike Mannaart | KIMO |
KIMO’s work towards safer container shipping including strengthening the requirements of liability and compensation, in line with the ‘polluter pays principle’ | Albert de Hoop | KIMO |
Fishing community actions after the MSC Zoe lost containers accident | Barbara Holierhoek, | Fisheries association, Netherlands |
Incident management and coordination of MSC Zoe incident, Investigation on tagging containers | Joris Brouwers | (Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management The Netherlands |
Traffic Separation Schemes in the North Sea by Germany | Uwe Lohmann | Maritime Safety Division (Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure, Germany) |
France's experience with container loss at sea and its potential future actions | Amaury Meullenaere | Maritime and rescue office, France |
ISO lashing standard (IO 3874:2017) | Michel Hennemand | Independent Expert, (Bureau International des Containers), Convenor ISO TC104 SC1 WG1 |
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