| Workshop on Deep-Sea Mining, Hotel Bloom, Brussels | |
| 29 April, 2014, Technological Aspects | |
10.00 | introduction | |
11.00 | welcome and introduction to the study | Roelof-Jan Molemaker - Ecorys |
11.30 | findings of technological analysis | Mike Buxton - TU Delft |
12.00 | moderated discussion on: state of play of technological development (comments on the value chain, missing technologies, r&d developments) ( | Johan Gille - Ecorys |
12.30 | lunch | |
14.00 | plenary: statements on technology readiness levels, economic feasibility and environmental implications of various technologies | |
14.30 | breakout sessions: - what are key technology issues to be solved
- who are key players
- what stands between current and future trl (specific issues)
- have we missed any technology in the selection that you consider key bottlenecks?
| moderated by Mike Buxton, Joerg Bendorff - TU Delft, Phil Weaver - Seascape, Johan Gille - Ecorys |
15.30 | coffee (or tea) | |
16.00 | plenary reporting back from the breakout sessions; interactive discussion on follow-up steps | Jan Maarten de Vet |
16.45 | emerging key findings from the day | Roelof-Jan Molemaker |
17.00 | end of meeting | |
19.00 | networking dinner | |
| 30 April, 2014 Environmental Aspects | |
10.00 | REGISTRATION | |
11.00 | Welcome and Introduction to the study | Roelof-Jan Molemaker |
11.30 | Highlights of the environmental analysisr | Yannick Beaudoin |
12.00 | Land-based mining vs. Seabed mining: environmental perspective | Charles Roche and Mike Buxton) |
12.30 | LUNCH | |
14.00 | Knowledge gaps questionnaire: Live expert elicitation session | Facilitators: Yannick Beaudoin, Phil Weaver, and Allison Bredbenner |
16.00 | Coffee (or tea) | |
16.15 | Summarizing the knowledge gaps session: What actions are needed now? | Yannick Beaudoin |
16.30 | Moderated discussion on: good practices | Mike Buxton and Sven Petersen |
17.00 | findings | Roelof-Jan Molemaker |
17.15 | cocktail | |