- common fisheries policy | sustainable fisheries | fisheries policy
- Monday 24 January 2011, 10:00 (CET)
Practical information
- When
- Monday 24 January 2011, 10:00 (CET)
- Languages
- English
Centre Borschette Room 0A
Day 1 (Monday 24 January 2011)
10:00 Opening Monique Pariat (Director DG Mare)
- Welcome
- Agenda
- TAG principles
10:15 Introduction of new TAG members
1. Setting the scene: Presentations on CISE-Relevant sectoral missions/systems/obstacles/benefits
(Max 20 min presentations + 10 min Q&A, from the proposed Template)
10:30 Maritime Safety & Security
11:00 Fisheries control
11:30 Maritime pollution & marine environment
12:00 Customs
12:30 Lunch break
13:30 Border Control
14:00 General Law enforcement
14:30 Defence
15:00 BluemassMed
16:00 Coffee break
2. CISE visions
16:15 Commission CISE background & vision
16:30 Wise Pen Team (EDA) CISE vision
16:45 Discussion
17:30 End of day 1
Day 2 (Tuesday 25 January 2011)
Roadmap - Step 1
09:00 Step 1: User communities identification
- Discussing results of circulated working documents
- Agreement on draft to be forwarded to Member State Expert subGroup (MSEG)
Roadmap - Step 2aMapping data sets
09:30 Step 2a:
- Presentation by TAG secretary of pre-compiled Data Sets Map
- discussions per user community incl. difficulties encountered
Roadmap - Step 2b Gap analysis
Presentations by main data receivers: ‘Examples of the need for cross sectoral data exchange’
11.30 Frontex maritime operations (tbc)
11:45 Discussion
12:00 Lunch break
13:00 EuNavFor/Atalanta (tbc)
13:15 Discussion
13:30 MAOC-N (tbc)
13:45 Discussion
14:00 CFCA (tbc)
14.15 Discussion
14:30 Coffee break
Presentation: ‘Filling the Gap - Example of cross sectoral data exchange’
14:50 Finland: A national example
15:05 Discussion
15:20 TAG approach to Gap analysis: Suggestion by TAG secretariat & discussion
Meeting conclusions
16:00 TAG secretary: Using the DG Mare ‘Maritime Forum’ as TAG workspace
16:15 Conclusions and way ahead
- Summary of key progress achieved to date
- Roundtable comments
- Next meeting & preparatory work
- 2011 meetings planning
17:00 End of Meeting