- common fisheries policy | sustainable fisheries | fisheries policy
- Friday 5 April 2013, 06:00 (CEST)
Practical information
- When
- Friday 5 April 2013, 06:00 (CEST)
- Languages
- English
The second meeting between the International Hydrographic Organization and the European Commission took place in Brussels on 5 April 2013.
- Iain Shepherd, DG Mare
- Michela Busi, ETT SRL (Emodnet expert)
- Hugo De Groof, DG Env
- Natalie Hockam, DG Mare
- Gilles Bessero, International Hydrographic Bureau,
- Paul Canham, UKHO (United Kingdom)
- Guillermo Coll, IHM (Spain)
- Guido Dumon, MDK, Flemish hydrography (Belgium)
- Bruno Frachon, SHOM General Director (France)
- Yves Guillam, SHOM (France),
- Gerhard Heggebo, NHS (Norway),
- Yves-Henri Renhas, SHOM (France).
- Noralf Slotsvik, NHS (Norway)
- Ellen Vos, vice chair MSDI WG
- Magnus Wallhagen, SMA (Sweden).
Short summary report and decisions:
Iain Shepherd thanks Conference of peripheral maritime regions of Europe for hosting the meeting.
2-Consultation Green Paper on marine knowledge 2020
2 Green paper consultation.ppt
Natalie Hockam presents the outcome of the consultation. Each participant should send separately his remarks about the outcome of the consultation by the 15th of April.
3- Preliminary considerations on 2014-2020 budget
Iain Shepherd presents preliminary considerations on 2014-2020 budget.
4-Inspire directive
Hugo De Groof presents the programme of maintenance and implementation of Inspire directive. Maritime domain could be emphasized through the course of this programme.
IHO should be more active for all the maritime themes, and should identify a point of contact (potentially MSDI WG and/or EMODNET/Hydrography) to take the lead on these matters. Focal point on the EC side is Hugo De Groof.
For the IHO, one of the main issue is the question about the development of INSPIRE standards and on the operational implementation of the INSPIRE directive. How can we (European HOs) make sure that there is no duplication with the Hydrographic services and standards committee (HSSC) programme of work? Can the “European” Regional Hydrographic Commissions consider the INSPIRE issue on behalf of the IHO?
Action suggested: write to IHO, any HO involved in the development of INSPIRE, to report on use cases at HSSC through MSDI WG (submission paper).
5-Marine spatial data infrastructure
5 EC-IHO-meeting_MSDI.ppt
Ellen Vos, vice chair of MSDI WG, presents the IHO point of view on Marine spatial data infrastructure (MSDI) and initiatives it has taken.
6-SHOM’s geoportal
6 data.shom.fr-presDGMare.ppt
Yves Guillam presents SHOM’s geoportal.
7-IHB geoinformation system for C-55 publication
7 2nd_EC-IHO-meeting_IHB_C-55.ppt
Gilles Bessero presents the development of the IHO Geographic Information System which will encompassed an enhanced version of IHO Publication C-55, status of hydrographic surveying and nautical charting worldwide.
8-Crowd sourcing in bathymetry
8 12.10.13 CSB AECO rev PHC.PPT
Paul Canham presents several experiments on crowd sourcing in bathymetry.
9-Towards a roadmap for IHO and EC in hydrography
9 twds roadmap IHO EC_v2.ppt
Yves-Henri Renhas presents a draft for a roadmap, under the framework of the EC IHO MoU, aiming at meeting the needs of European people in relation with the integrated maritime policy.
10-Towards a European programme of hydrography
10 european prog hydro_v2.ppt
Yves-Henri Renhas presents a draft for a roadmap towards a European programme of hydrography.
As there are national programmes of hydrography which assess the state of hydrographic knowledge in national waters versus the state of needs for navigation, as there are regional programmes of hydrography, as there is, as a result of Emodnet phase 2, a state of surveys made for different purposes, there is not a common programme of hydrography which would assess in European waters the state of hydrographic knowledge versus the state of needs for navigation.
EU and IHO/HOs need to identify common requirements within hydrography current status and then create a programme to fill in the lacking data/information or improve accuracy.
SHOM, in consultancy with other HOs, will submit to EC a proposal for a feasibility study of a European programme of hydrography. Deadline: beginning of June.
11-Towards a European coastal mapping
11 european coastal mapping v0.ppt
Yves-Henri Renhas presents a draft for a roadmap towards a European coastal mapping. This roadmap includes acquisition of a European bathymetric Lidar capacity.
DG Mare will held an inter DGs meeting. Deadline: end of April.
12-Vertical reference and chart datum
12 vertical reference and chart datum v0.ppt
Yves-Henri Renhas presents the question of multiple vertical references in surveys, charts and seabed mapping. Common reference in European waters would be beneficial.
IHB will invite the IHO Tidal and Water Level Working Group to develop a proposal for building up a common European vertical reference surface. Deadline for the proposal: 26 June.
13- Dynamics of marine sandwaves
13 marine dune dynamics.ppt
Yves-Henri Renhas presents the question of dynamics of marine sandwaves.
EC is invited to attend the Marid conference in Brugge (Belgium) on 15-16 April and to coastal dynamics in Arcachon (France) 24-28 June.
14-European maritime day
Next European maritime day will take place in Malta on 23-24 May.
In the case they are willing to, HO members of Mediterranean and Black Seas Hydrographic Commission are invited to represent IHO to this event.
15-World hydrography day
15 2nd_EC-IHO-meeting_IHB_WHD.ppt
Gilles Bessero presents the context of next World hydrography day, on 21 June which has for theme “blue economy.
DG MARE will propose Commissioner Maria Damanaki to post a billet on her blog on this event.
16-Upcomming events of common interest
16 2nd_EC-IHO-meeting_IHB_Future_Events.ppt
Gilles Bessero presents upcoming events of common interest.
17-Meeting of Modeg
18th meeting of Modeg will take place in Copenhagen on 4-5 July.
HOs are invited to be represented.
18-Next of IHO EC meeting
Next meeting would take place in Paris (Saint-Mandé) on 26 June (to be confirmed), during the next session of the IOC Assembly.