- common fisheries policy | sustainable fisheries | fisheries policy
- Wednesday 28 February 2018, 09:00 - 12:45 (CET)
Practical information
- When
- Wednesday 28 February 2018, 09:00 - 12:45 (CET)
- Languages
- English
Brussels, 28 February 2018
Venue : CPMR Offices in Brussels, 14 Rd Point Schuman. Metro Shuman
This can be related to the following issues:
- Which kind of data are needed and how can these data be made available to public authorities and private stakeholders?
- Which financial support can the EU provide to the production and accessibility of relevant data?
The perspective of national authority and of the regions will be included in the discussions, notably on the basis of the outcomes of the Coastal Mapping project. This project was financed by the EMFF led by the SHOM. It involved other national bodies in charge of coastal data from several countries and the CPMR. This project resulted in suggestions for a European strategy for coastal data, based on 3 axis, which are 1- Set up coordinated programmes for data acquisition 2 - Seize opportunities for the acquisition of bathymetric in EU programmes 3- Ensure that those data are standardised and capitalised
9.00-9.15 Welcome and introduction
- Region or CPMR General Secretariat
- Representative of the International Hydrographic Organisation
9.15-10.45 First session – Data needed and available in Europe for the anticipating and monitoring of coastal risks
This session will focus on the following issues :
- What are the needs of public authorities, including the regions, in terms of better mapping, access and use of coastal data to anticipate and monitor coastal risks?
- How can data produced and processes at EU level be made more accessible to public authorities and private stakeholders for this purpose?
Presentations :
- Representative of the International Hydrographic Organisation
- Representative of EuroGoos (tbc)
- CPMR General Secretariat on the basis of the Coastal mapping project’ results
- Representative of the Bologna Charter – case study from a region (tbc)
- Representative of Copernicus - Services offered by Copernicus (tbc)
- Representative of the Nereus network (tbc)
- Representative of Emodnet (tbc)
10.45-11.15 Coffee Break
11.15-13.00 Second session – Which contribution from the EU to the production and accessibility of relevant data ?
This session will focus on the following issues:
- What are the opportunities offered by European programmes to finance data of use to anticipate and monitor coastal risks?
- What suggestions can be made in order to improve synergies between investments supported by the EU, national and regional authorities in the future?
Presentations :
- Representative of International Hydrographic Organisation - challenges in terms of funding for coastal data
- CPMR General Secretariat – opportunities offered by Interreg Programmes for the financing of coastal data, on the basis of results of the Coastal Mapping project
- Representative of the Bologna Charter – case study from a region and focus on the Bologna Charter as a process for cooperation between regions and national authorities for the financing of coastal data (tbc)
Discussion w