- common fisheries policy | sustainable fisheries | fisheries policy
- Tuesday 21 June 2016, 10:30 - Wednesday 22 June 2016, 15:30 (CEST)
Practical information
- When
- Tuesday 21 June 2016, 10:30 - Wednesday 22 June 2016, 15:30 (CEST)
- Languages
- English
Date: from 8:30 21 June until 15:30 on 22 June 2016
Location: Philippe Le Bon building Room 2.16, Philippe Le Bon 3, Brussels
Practical information: download pdf
Meeting Chair: Phil Weaver (Seascape)
Draft Meeting Agenda
Day 1 – 21 June meeting starts at 8:30
Welcome and adoption of the agenda
Status update of actions from previous meeting & short EMODnet progress update
Updates and follow-up from EMODnet Conference and Jamboree (October 2015)
Overall progress updates and status of harmonization between the various EMODnet portals and websites
- Updates from Secretariat
- Updates from DG MARE
Questions for EASME
Status and next steps for the EMODnet Central Portal
- Setting the scene: recap Central Portal aims and objectives, concept, status and challenges – Secretariat
- Requirements for data services
Requirements in terms of presentation and content
Coffee Break 10:30-11:00
Item 5 continued: ‘Status and next steps for the EMODnet central portal’
Progress and achievements to date – VLIZ
Updates from Technical Working Group; interoperability status - VLIZ
Work-plan: targets, milestones and objectives for coming 2-4 years – VLIZ and Secretariat + all to discuss
Lunch 12:30-14:00
External developments and interactions
Use of EMODnet data layers for CISE – Alexandru Chiric (DGMARE TBC)
Short discussion MSPD and use of EMODnet in planning activities (DGMARE TBC)
EMODnet-INSPIRE interactions – K. Millard (TBC)
EMODnet Data Ingestion Facility – Dick Schaap (MARIS) and/or Athanasia (Sissy) Iona (HCMR) - TBD
EMODnet-MSFD coordination – Secretariat, DG ENV + open discussion
Secretariat user survey - Secretariat
EMODnet and other major initiatives and developments (EOOS, Copernicus, Fisheries, RSC,…)
Progress of Copernicus-EMODnet collaboration – Antonio Novellino (ETT) and/or Patrick Gorringe (EuroGOOS) - TBC
IPChem (JRC): updates from interactions with EMODnet Chemistry – Alessandra Giorgetti (OGS)
EMODnet and ABS-Nagoya protocol – towards joint position with other marine infrastructures and networks – Secretariat, MARIS, VLIZ
Updates on EMODnet involvement in RTD projects – open floor
Day 1 - meeting end expected at 18:00
Joint Dinner – 19:30 Den Talurelekker, Onderrichtsstraat / Rue de l'enseignement 25, 1000 Brussels [Note: this restaurant does not accept credit or other bank cards – prices are moderate with main dishes between 10-16 euro].
Day 2 - 22 June meeting starts at 8:30
Updates from all 7 thematic data portals as well as coastal mapping project project (10’ + 5’ Q&A each) with focus on
Specific issues of concern
Summary of feedback from users to date: recommendations and evidence of use
- Future avenues for coastal mapping in Europe - Corine Lochet (Shom)
Coffee Break 10:30-11:00
Updates from the 6 sea-basin checkpoints project
Progress update – all checkpoint coordinators (10’ + 5’ Q&A each)
Interim results from Challenges; Oil leak challenge
Lunch 12:30-14:00
Item 7 continued: ‘Updates from the 6 sea-basin checkpoints project'
- Joint Stakeholder Meeting/Workshops (February 2017, Brussels)
Communication and visibility: EMODnet communication strategy update and guidelines
EMODnet events and calendar 2016-2017
Administrative and reporting issues + AOB
Next SC Meeting date and location
Wrap up and closing of the Meeting
Day 2 – meeting expected to end at 15:30