- common fisheries policy | sustainable fisheries | fisheries policy
- Wednesday 1 July 2015, 02:00 - Thursday 2 July 2015, 02:00 (CEST)
Practical information
- When
- Wednesday 1 July 2015, 02:00 - Thursday 2 July 2015, 02:00 (CEST)
- Languages
- English
Date: from 9:00 on Wednesday 1 July until Thursday 13:00 on 2 July 2015
Location: Joint Research Centre (JRC), Via E. Fermi 2749, I-21027 Ispra (VA), Italy
Meeting Chair: Iain Shepherd
Draft Meeting agenda
Day 1 - Wednesday 1 July 2015 meeting starts at 9:00
1. Welcome and adoption of the agenda
2. Status update of actions from previous meeting & short EMODnet progress update
3. Updates from DG MARE and the Secretariat
- Status update running tenders for coastal mapping and EMODnet checkpoints
New EMODnet Coastal Mapping Project - Gaël Morvan (French Hydrographic Office SHOM) – 15’ + 5’ Q/A
New Checkpoints (Baltic, Arctic, Black Sea and Atlantic)
How to prepare for the next phase?
- Future EMODnet governance, advisory and user group(s)
Coffee Break 10:30-11:00
4. EMODnet events and calendar 2015
- Preparations for the EMODnet Open Conference and Jamboree
- Joint EMODnet Checkpoint Event 2015
- EMODnet@EMD2015
- Other opportunities to raise the profile of EMODnet?
Lunch 12:30-13:30
5. Update from the thematic lots on specific issues of concern
Status of chemical data within and outside EMODnet
Status of Biological data within and outside EMODnet
Progress single sign on & adoption of new technologies
Key progress updates and challenges for the thematic lots
Quality assessment approaches for EMODnet products by different lots
Coffee Break 15:30-16:00
6. Updates from the North Sea Checkpoint; specific feedback for EMODnet portals; progress of the peer-to-peer data signposting functionality
7. Updates from the Mediterranean Checkpoint; specific feedback for EMODnet portals
+ Short presentation and discussion on Information Platform for Chemical Monitoring (IPCheM) by invited expert from JRC.
Day 1 - Wednesday 1 July 2015 meeting ends at 17:30
Joint Dinner – Location to be decided
Day 2 - Thursday 2 July meeting starts at 9:00
8. Central portal Query Tool - VLIZ
9. Feedback from the technical Working Group - VLIZ
Report on activities since last meeting
List of priority issues & actions planned to address them
Coffee Break 10:30-11:00
10. External developments and interactions
EMODnet-Common Information Sharing Environment, CISE – JRC
EMODnet-INSPIRE (updates from the workshop 30/06/2015)
EMODnet and other major initiatives and developments (MSFD, EOOS, Copernicus, Fisheries, RSC, …)
Implications of the new Cookie Directive - https://ec.europa.eu/ipg/basics/legal/cookies/index_en.htm#section_2
Developing win-win scenarios to secure buy-in from data providers by using EMODnet to adhere to Member States' requirements to comply with the growing number of regulations and Directives
EMODnet involvement in RTD projects
11. AOB
12. Next SC Meeting date and location
13. Wrap up and closing of the Meeting
Day 2 – Thursday 2 July meeting ends at 13:00 with lunch
14:00-16:30 - Afternoon Open Seminar on EMODnet for JRC staff - see agenda here https://maritime-forum.ec.europa.eu/node/3756
17:00-18:30 - Kick Off Meeting of EMODnet Coastal Mapping Project (MARE/2014/10)
Note: Members of the EMODnet Steering Committee Members are also invited to attend the EMODnet-INSPIRE Meeting at JRC in Ispra on Tuesday 30 June 2015 from 13:30 till 17:30. The agenda of this workshop can be found here: https://maritime-forum.ec.europa.eu/node/3737