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Maritime Forum

We are officially launching the first call for project submission of the Youth4Ocean Forum!

Do you have a project in mind to raise awareness of consumers on sustainable seafood or an innovative business plan to use marine resources sustainably? Or something completely different that you think has the potential to change things? We...


The ocean has always provided us with plentiful resources, and many populations around the world depend on it for food and livelihood. While these resources are under an increasing amount of stress, it seems also possible to solve present and future social challenges such as food security and job opportunities by using marine resources sustainably.

Do you have a project in mind to raise awareness of consumers on sustainable seafood? Do you already organise workshops with children to teach them about the ocean and marine resources? Or are you a young entrepreneur with an innovative business plan to use marine resources sustainably? Or something completely different and unexpected that you think has the potential to change things?

Then we want to hear from you! Show us how you think we can turn the economy blue!

The deadline for submission is January 15, 2021.

We welcome applications from anyone involved or interested in the sustainable use of marine resources for economic growth, improved livelihoods, and jobs while preserving the health of marine ecosystems.

In particular, we want to hear from you if you are involved in marine education and/or fishing and aquaculture.

If your project is successful, you will be accredited as Young Ocean Advocate and you will enjoy a new range of benefits and support for your project.

Click HERE to learn more and to apply.