This report details a recommendation for a much-needed Blue Economy Investment Platform (BEIP) to address major market failures to supply capital to high potential innovative young businesses. It recommends establishing an umbrella fund to channel additional funds into fund managers wholly or partly focused on one or more Blue Economy sectors. The report was compiled based on intensive engagement with market actors including SMEs, industrials, fund managers, banks and other actors and bases its recommendations on these first hand interactions, complemented with extensive desk research. The report makes a strong case for rapid action to address the market failure, particularly around availability of equity finance, by mobilising financial resources from the public and private sector and ensuring professional management of these resources. The proposed BEIP could be complemented with additional added value features such as a technical assistance facility, capacity building, matchmaking, community building and event management services. It is hoped that this report will serve as a basis for short-term action by the European Commission and to catalyse support from other public institutions as well as the private sector.
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