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Maritime Forum

The results of the consultation workshops for the new Atlantic Action Plan

The consultation process was structured into five workshops – one per Atlantic Member State. Each workshop focussed the discussions on a number of issues of high importance to Atlantic stakeholders.

To provide a clearer and more detailed overview of the discussed topics and the connection and relation, the table below presents a categorisation of what has been discussed. The topics are categorised according to over-arching subjects and key fields of focus. Each subject is also colour coded by the location.


The table indicates that there are a number of topics that were discussed on various occasions, as identified by the over-arching subjects displayed on the horizontal axis. Furthermore, the table also identifies a number of key fields of focus. These represent area where stakeholders have indicated actions could have a high impact. For example, while developing ports as regional economy hubs relies to a large extent on stakeholder cooperation, the route to commercialisation of MREs is dependent on finding adequate funding mechanisms.

Building on the choice of subjects of discussion in each of the workshops, a number of topics of high importance for Atlantic Stakeholders were identified:

  • Development of Ports: Port development was touched upon in all five Member States, although from different angles. While some sessions focussed on ports themselves and their development regarding innovation and regional policy, others connected them with industries such as MRE, tourism, and marine exploration.
  • Blue Skills: The topic of blue skills, often connected with ocean literacy, was discussed in three different workshops, both under the angle of boosting attractiveness as well as fostering cooperation.
  • Marine Renewable Energies (MRE): The Spanish workshop focussed entirely on MRE, discussing the topic from various angles. It was also discussed in
  • Environmental Action: Two workshops centred on purely environmental issues, namely coastal erosion and marine litter. Additionally, many other workshops touched upon the issue of environmental protection and climate action through topics such as green ports or innovative aquaculture.

To develop these topics of high importance, the following reports present the main needs and challenges identified during the workshops in more detail as well as the relation of them with the initial Atlantic Action Plan priorities and other strategic documents.

Find the detailed results of the consultation workshops as wel as the list of participants (in pdf files below as well as in the attachments area).

  • 12 JULY 2019
  • 12 JULY 2019