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Maritime Forum

Reimbursement of Private Experts

Travel cost :

All experts shall be entitled to the reimbursement of their travel expenses from the place specified in their invitation (work or home address) to the place of the meeting, by the most appropriate means of transport given the distance involved. In general, for journeys of less than 400 km (one way, according to official distance by rail) this shall be first-class rail travel, and for distances of more than 400 km economy class air travel.

If the journey by air involves a flight of 4 hours or more without stopovers the cost of a business class ticket shall be reimbursed.

  1. Travel expenses shall be reimbursed on presentation of original supporting documents: tickets and invoices or, in the case of online bookings, the printout of the electronic reservation and boarding cards for the outward journey. The documents supplied must show the class of travel used, the time of travel and the amount paid.
  2. The cost of travel by private car shall be reimbursed at the same rate as the first-class rail ticket.
  3. If the route is not served by a train the cost of travel by private car shall be reimbursed at the rate of EUR 0.22 per km.
  4. Taxi fares shall not be reimbursed.

The Commission shall not be liable for any material, non-material or physical damage suffered by invited experts or those responsible for accompanying a disabled expert in the course of their journey to or stay in the place where the meeting is held, unless such harm is directly attributable to the Commission.

In particular, invited experts who use their own means of transport for travelling to such meetings shall be entirely liable for any accidents that they might cause.

Subsistence allowance :

The daily allowance paid for each day of the meeting is a flat rate to cover all expenditure at the place where the meeting is held, including for example meals and local transport (bus, tram, metro, taxi, parking, motorway tolls, etc.), as well as travel and accident insurance.

The daily allowance shall be €92.

If the place of departure cited in the invitation is 100 km or less from the place where the meeting is held, the daily allowance shall be reduced by 50%.

Experts who have to spend one or more nights at the place where the meeting is held because the times of meetings are incompatible with the times of flights or trains , shall also be entitled to an accommodation allowance. This allowance shall be €100 per night. The number of nights may not exceed the number of meeting days + 1.

An additional accommodation allowance and/or daily allowance may, exceptionally, be paid if prolonging the stay would enable the expert to obtain a reduction in the cost of transport worth more than the amount of these allowances.

Forms to be filled in

Reimbursement Form: To be presented together with evidence (tickets etc)

Those who have been experts previously, whose affiliation and bank account remain the same and have a "sticker" so not need to present the following two forms. Otherwise you do.

Legal entity form. Experts who are appointed as private individuals should use the appropriate form:

Financial identification form. this guarantees that the funding will be be paid into the right bank account

Treatment of personal data

Description Personal data related to this invitation will be processed in accordance with Regulation (EC) n° 45/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data by the Community institutions and bodies and on the free movement of such data.
Purpose The purpose of the processing of personal data for the meeting isManagement of the meeting, including management of lists for contacts, invitations, participants, reports, distribution of reports, feedback on reports, meeting follow-up, follow-up meetings, follow-up actions, information sharing.
Personal data collected and further processed
  1. data necessary for the organisation and management of the meeting, such as Gender (needed for the right title)/name/surname/profession/ postal & e-mail addresses/ phone number/fax number)
  2. identity/passport n°/date of birth (for access control purpose by security guards to the Commission's premises )
  3. information about the form of transport used & hotel, and banking information (for purpose of reimbursement of travel expenses/allowances)
  4. if you are invited as a member/observer of a Commission Experts Group, some of your personal data will be made publicly available in the Commission's Register of Expert Groups for as long as the membership upholds and/or until removal from the public site is requested, in view of the transparency policy of the European Institutions and the need to inform the public of the identity and qualifications of the experts advising the Institution.
Controller Head of Unit "Human resources, IT and document management", DG Maritime Affairs and Fisheries
Recipients The access to all personal data as well as all information collected in the context of this meeting, and the organisation thereof, is only granted through UserId/Password to a defined population of users, without prejudice to a possible transmission to the bodies in charge of a monitoring or inspection task in accordance with Community legislation. These users typically are The chairman and the secretary of the meeting, both supported by a team in the operational services inside DG Maritime Affairs and Fisheries.
Data retention Your personal data will be part of a list of contact details shared internally amongst the Commission services for the purpose of contacting data subjects in the future in the context of the Commission's activities. If you do not agree with this, please contact the Controller by using the Contact Information mentioned in the invitation letter and by explicitly specifying your request.
Contact Please use the contact information mentioned in the invitation letter.
Recourse Complaints, in case of conflict, can be addressed to the European Data Protection Supervisor