The European Commission has launched an online consultation in order to collect background information on Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) and Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) for the Impact Assessment on future action on MSP and ICZM which was launched at the end of 2010. We hope to get your views and concrete suggestions on what the main challenges, possibilities and needs are to decide what would be the best way forward concerning MSP and ICZM.
This questionnaire may be accessed through the weblinks below.
You should reserve approximately 45-60 minutes to complete the questionnaire.
We hope that you can help us to forward this email to those of your colleagues and contacts who you believe have an interest in this topic.
You may access the questionnaire through the DG MARE's Maritime Affairs webpage:
Via DG ENVIRONMENT's webpage
or directly via the link below:
The questionnaire web-site will close on 20 May 2011.