PRIVACY STATEMENT on the processing of personal data related to the Blue Bioeconomy Forum Newsletter
1. Description
The Blue Bioeconomy Forum Newsletter is an electronic newsletter covering the European Commission's main issues and events in the area of the blue bioeconomy through articles, interviews, news as well as visual content. The Newsletter is also used to send subscribers other information such as news alerts on important developments. The Blue Bioeconomy Forum Newsletter is published under the responsibility of the Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (DG MARE), acting as the data protection controller. In order to receive the Blue Bioeconomy Forum Newsletter, users must subscribe on a dedicated subscription page, or have shared their contact details with the Blue Bioeconomy Forum Secretariat. All personal data is stored in the Newsroom application. Newsroom is a news management system developed by the European Commission and used by several Commission departments.
2.What personal information do we process, for what purpose under which legal bases and through which technical means?
Mandatory personal data when registering: e-mail address, provided by the subscriber. The mandatory personal data is needed to ensure the delivery of the service to the subscriber, as the Blue Bioeconomy Forum Newsletter is sent by e-mail. The Blue Bioeconomy Forum Newsletter is part of the European Commission's general communication activities. It provides information on the Blue Bioeconomy Forum, in line with the principle of transparency set out, amongst others, in Article 15 TFEU. As the processing is carried out in the public interest under the abovementioned legal basis, the processing of personal data is lawful for the indicated purpose based on Article 5(a) of Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 and Article 5(1)(a) of Regulation (EU) 2018/1725.
3.Who has access to your personal data and to whom is it disclosed?
Personal data will be accessible to members of Unit E.2. of DG MARE, and the Blue Bioeconomy Forum secretariat, who are managing the newsletter and to all newsroom users with administrator rights in the European Commission. Also administrators of DGs CNECT and DIGIT have access to perform tasks necessary with the newsletter. Administrator rights are allocated only to Commission staff that needs them for the exercise of their tasks.
4. How do we protect and safeguard your information?
The collected personal data is securely stored on the servers of the European Commission's Data Centre in Luxembourg the operations of which abide by the Commission's security decisions and provisions established by the Directorate of Security for this kind of servers and services. The data is not accessible from outside the Commission. Inside the Commission, the data can be accessed using a UserId/Password.
5. How can you verify, modify or delete your information?
You can modify or delete your personal information in the user profile ("Portal Account" in Newsroom) which is accessible via the link at the end of each Blue Bioeconomy Forum Newsletter issue.
6. How long do we keep your personal data?
Your personal data will remain stored in the Newsroom application until you decide to remove your account. You can remove your account by accessing your user profile which is accessible via the link at the end of each newsletter issue.
7. Contact information
In case you wish to verify which personal data is stored on you, have it modified, corrected, or deleted, or if you have questions regarding your rights, feel free to contact the support team operating under the responsibility of the data protection controller, by using the following contact information: Unit MARE E.2.
Phone number+32 2 299 11 11 (Commission switchboard)
Functional mailbox:
You may also contact the Data Protection Officer of the European Commission: DATA-PROTECTION-OFFICERec [dot] europa [dot] eu (DATA-PROTECTION-OFFICER[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu)