On Sunday a coast guard is planning Monday morning.
Data sources
He/she needs to get the full picture of foreseeable occurrences in the adjacent sea basin, including surveillance actions undertaken by colleagues from other sectors in their own country, as well as in neighbouring countries.
Current Situation
The Coast guard will get the maritime traffic forecast (dense traffic and a super tanker passing by), combine this with the weather forecast (fog) and, if possible, call colleagues from other sectors before compiling the information manually. However, this is time consuming and the exercise cannot be done with all partners in all neighbouring countries.
Maritime CISE response
In the future, CISE will allow coast guards to set up automated information services that will do this job for them in seconds. The coast guards will, with the click of a mouse, see on their usual computer screen, that on Monday morning there is not only dense traffic, a super tanker and fog, but also a planned military exercise, 40 fishing vessels leaving the nearby harbour, and that rising tide/currents would bring any (oil) pollution on shore within hours.
With a further click, the coast guards would also see on the screen that one anti-pollution ship is on standby in a neighbouring country but that surveillance flights are not coordinated. With a third click the coast guard could get in touch with colleagues from all sectors and neighbouring countries through video streaming whilst sharing this information on screen. Coast guards will then easily be able to adjust their respective surveillance flight plans to best monitor this particular Monday morning, and be fully prepared for any necessary coordinated intervention.
CISE Benefits
CISE will help professionals in their everyday tasks of preventing or minimising disasters, making the best decisions, in the shortest time, with the best available information to efficiently protect human lives and the marine environment.