Due to the limited timeframe for production of the OEF Strategic Roadmap by end of September 2015, it has been agreed with the Steering Committee Chairs and DG MARE to make this document available, to enable stakeholders not present at Bilbao to provide comment. However, please be assured that Bilbao conference comments are also being addressed as part of the Roadmap refinement process. The Bilbao open session reportsets out the Roadmap production plan.
Your input
- If you would like to comment on the Strategic Roadmap: Collated "Three-Pagers", please do so using the pre-prepared form
- If you wish your comments to be taken into account for the draft of the Roadmap to be presented in October, please submit them by Thursday 20th August 2015
- Please return your form to the OceanEnergyForum [dot] Secretariat
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cefas [dot] co [dot] uk (OceanEnergyForum[dot]Secretariat[at]cefas[dot]co[dot]uk))
Ocean Energy Forum - Strategic Roadmap: Collated "Three-Pagers"
Ocean Energy Forum - Strategic Roadmap Collated "Three Pagers" Comments form