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Maritime Forum

Member states experts on marine knowledge for meeting 23 February 2011

Austria Thomas Reinthaler Dept. MeeresbiologieUniversität Wien
Bulgaria Atanos Palanov Institute of Oceanology "Fridtjof Nansen"
Denmark Charlotte Betina Mogensen Danish Ministry of the Environment
Finland Henry Vallius Geological Survey of Finland
France Elie Jarmache Secrétariat Général de la Mer
Germany Johannes Melles Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie Hamburg
Ireland Eoin O’Grady, Marine Institute
Netherlands Lodewijk Abspoel Senior policy advisor North SeaDirectorate-General for Water AffairsMinistry for Infrastructure and the Environment
Portugal Nuno Chaves Ferreira (Conseiller Défence a la RP Portugal)
Spain Ainhoa Perez MARM (Environment)
Spain Beatriz Morales IMEDEA-CESIC (Research)
Spain Demetrio de Armas IEO Spanish Institute of Oceanography
Spain Jose Quijano Hydrographic Institute of the Navy (Instituto Hidrográfico de la Armada)
Spain Monica Martinez Castañeda MARM (Fisheries)
Spain Sergio Rodriguez Carbonell Ministerio de Fomento – (Search and rescue)
Spain Teodoro Ramirez (IEO-Brussels delegation
UK Richard Emmerson Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
UK Nick Court Department forTransport