This was our first meeting after the launch of the Burgas Vision Paper: A Blue Growth Initiative for Research and Innovation in the Black Sea on 31 May 2018 in Burgas, Bulgaria. It was planned as a hands-on meeting, where the experts could work on the different pillars agreed in the Vision Paper and start drafting the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda, which will be the final result of this work. Throughout most of the day, the experts worked in 4 groups, which were merged for a final plenary session in the final session of the day.
The discussions were very productive, we can say that we are close to having the raw material for the first draft of the SRIA.
In order to be sure that we can best capture the main points of these discussions, the group moderators had to send to the chair the input from the respective groups at theirearliest convenience, but no later than next Tuesday, the 30th of October.
The proposed date for the next meeting of this group is Tuesday, 15 January 2019, in the European Commission (DG RTD) premises in Brussels.
Kind regards,
On behalf of the DG RTD and DG MARE teams,