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Maritime Forum

Map of the Week – European Maritime Day in My Country 2023

This map provides an overview of the European Maritime Day in My Country events that are taking place across Europe from 1 April to 31 October 2023.


Have you seen the new map layer published this week in the European Atlas of the Seas? With this Map of the Week, get more insight! In parallel to the annual European Maritime Day (EMD) conference that is planned in Brest (France) on 24-25 May this year (see the Map of the Week on European Maritime Day), a series of local related events are organised across Europe, reaching out to young people and citizens under the ‘EMD in my Country’ label. EMD In My Country is an important part of the wave of ocean awareness and activism that has been rising steadily in recent years. The events under this brand have become increasingly popular, attracting more than 50.000 participants every year.

A wide diversity of activities such as beach clean-ups, guided tours of ports, art exhibitions, workshops, conferences, seminars, exhibitions on maritime themes, ocean literacy actions, eco-tours and walks in areas with significant maritime heritage, boat excursions, visits to maritime museums, ships, aquaria, shipyards are organised with a 'fun and game' component directly appealing to a younger public. These activities enable the many European regions with a maritime culture to join in the celebrations and highlight the vital role of the ocean and seas for the local societies. EMD In My Country this year includes physical, virtual and hybrid events. Each event is represented by a green symbol in the map. Click on them to get information on what the events are, when they are taking place and who is organising them. Wish to participate in one or several events? Click on the hyperlink to access the related website and find all of the details.

There is more than what you see in this map! The Atlas technical team has hidden three objects in the map. If you click on the right locations, they will appear! Will you find them? Join the celebrations, explore the map and try to solve the Atlas Geocaching Game! This new game, published in the Atlas Teachers’ Corner, is a fun way to discover how to use geographical coordinates in the Atlas. If you are a teacher, after trying out the game, dive into the Teachers Guide to organise the game in the classroom!

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The data in this map are provided by the European Commission.