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Maritime Forum

Evaluation team for ur_EMODNET preparatory actions

Hermanni Backer not able to make it to this first meeting of the new MODEG.
Jean-Marie Beckers hydrography and physical habitats
Sükrü Besiktepe hydrography
Frédérique Blanc unable to attend but is interested in chemical lot and habitat maps
Antonio Bode 1 chemistry 2. biology
Jean-François Bourillet -
Peter Burkill cannot make this meeting
Simon Claus 1. Habitats – 2. Geology - 3. Bathymetry
Franciscus Colijn cannot make this meeting
Hans Dahlin prefers chemistry
Gerben de Boer -
Yves Desaubies hydrography
Nic Flemming hydrography/bathymetry
Juliusz Gajewski -
Robert Gatliff -
Lars Hansen -
Neil Holdsworth habitats or hydrography
Ernesto Jardin will not be able to attend this meeting. Already something scheduled
Abigail McQuatters-Gollop (ad-hoc expert) biology
Cherith Moses In order of preference 1. geology 2. biology 3. hydrography 4. physical habitats 5. chemistry
Glenn Nolan will not be able to attend the first meeting of the new MODEG group later this month due to other commitments
Lesley Rickards -
Dick Schaap geology
Angela Schäfer physical habitats preferably
Stefania Sparnocchia 1) Hydrography/bathymetry, 2)physical habitats, 3) chemistry.
Terje Thorsnes Physical habitats, or Hydrography/bathymetry would be fine. Chemistry could be a third alternative
Vasilis Valavanis prefers 'physical habitats' first and then hydrography / bathymetry'
Henry Vallius If I can manage to participate I would like to evaluate the chemistry lot
Christopher Zimmermann can't participate in the meeting