EU4Algae | Meet The Team - European Commission Skip to main content
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EU4Algae | Meet The Team


EurA AG is an innovation consulting company, based in Germany, experienced in the management of tenders. EurA is the current lead tenderer of the EIC Business Acceleration Services, working in very close connection with the European Commission (e.g. EASME). EurA is a partner in other EC tenders, as for example the EIC GreenHouse Gases Programme and InvestHorizon2.0. EurA coordinates several networks in Germany, as the Network Algae (Technologies for efficient cultivation and use of algae), Provetch (Alternative protein sources for food production), and BioÖkonomie (BioEconomy network for innovation). In the energy domain EurA coordinates, among other networks, the Energy Innovation Europe, Biomastec (Efficient use of biomass). EurA was also a partner in the PUFAchain project, that developed a robust scientific and technological basis for substantiating strategic and technical decisions for the industrial development of high-value products from algae. With over 20 years’ experience in advising SMEs aiming the successful market deployment of innovative products and services based on newly developed technologies. In addition, at EurA most of our consultants are experts in a technological field and/or market vertical, including Algae, Food, Feed, Biotechnology, Chemicals & Raw Materials, Energy and Clean-Tech, Nutrition, Health-Economy, ICT or Industry 4.0. EurA is also widely experienced in the organisation of workshops and meetings involving diversified stakeholders (+100 attendants).


EABA is the European Algae Biomass Association. The general objective of the EABA is to promote mutual interchange and cooperation in the field of algae biomass production transformation and use, including biofuels uses and all other utilizations. It aims at creating, developing and maintaining solidarity and links between its Members and at defending their interests at European and international level. Its main target will be to act as a catalyst for fostering synergies among scientists, industrialists and decision makers in order to promote the development of research, technology and industrial capacities in the field of algae. The Association is technology neutral and does not aim at favouring a particular kind of production, processing or of final use of the algae biomass. This approach reflects the fact that all the algae production technologies and all the final uses of algae biomass are to be considered as interdependent.


SYSTEMIQ is a systems change company that partners with business, finance, policy-makers, and civil society to make economic systems truly sustainable. We combine high-level research with high-impact, on-the-ground work. We’re a “think-and-do” tank that sparks good disruptions and operates with purpose at our core. SYSTEMIQ is a Certified B Corporation set up to lead system-level change in collaboration with pioneering institutions, investors, and businesses. SYSTEMIQ's vision is a thriving planet where sustainable economic systems drive prosperity for all. Our mission is to catalyse good disruptions in economic systems to keep global warming to a maximum of 1.5°C and speed the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Everything SYSTEMIQ does is therefore centred around driving change faster. We build coalitions with the influence and ambition to set a new course for global industry. We incubate new ventures with the potential to benefit people and the planet. We mobilise large-scale capital for climate action and the Sustainable Development Goals. And we evolve new sustainable business models that will outperform the old. We carefully select partnerships and projects that promise to positively disrupt today's energy, land-use, industrial and finance systems. One of the SYSTEMIQ’s four core platforms is regenerative land use and oceans. This encompasses a wide range of initiatives and projects, including all of SYSTEMIQ’s oceans-related work, led by Adrien Vincent. A key component of this has been the Seaweed for Europe coalition, initiated by SYSTEMIQ in 2020. The coalition’s mission is to advance and scale a sustainable and innovative seaweed industry in Europe It is now a recognised key thought leader and convener in the space, convening over 80 organisations from 15 European countries who are working together to accelerate the scale up of a sustainable seaweed industry in Europe, as well as engaging the highest level of decision makers at the national and regional level.


s.Pro sustainable-project GmbH is a consultancy company based in Germany specialised on initiating, facilitating and coordinating international stakeholder processes, projects, programmes and platforms across the science-policy-industry interface. Our special thematic focus lies in the Integrated Maritime Policy with particular emphasis on Maritime Spatial Planning, Blue Growth, Blue Bioeconomy and Ocean Multi-Use. Among others s.Pro has led more than ten international projects to develop the new policy instrument of MSP; in particular the s.Pro team developed and coordinated the EU MSP platform (2016-2019) including the creation & maintenance of an inter-active web-platform; the organisation of more than 20 different types of MSP expert meetings as well as numerous applied studies. As part of the IMP and Blue Growth Framework contracts, s.Pro has led the study and the following large-scale stakeholder process for the EU Baltic Blue Growth Agenda as well as EU Blue Biotechnology study. Currently sPro acts as the Baltic Sea Focal Point for the DG MARE EU4Ocean Literacy initiative. Since 2010 the s.Pro team acts as the secretariat for the SUBMARINER Network for Blue Growth EEIG, a bottom-up self-financed initiative, which acts as THE platform for all stakeholders across the Baltic Sea Region involved in the promotion of innovative and sustainable uses of marine resources, incl. low-trophic aquaculture, multi-use and blue biotechnology.
SUBMARINER acts as the blue flagship umbrella project under PAC Innovation and Bioeconomy of the EU Baltic Sea Strategy. Until now s.Pro has led more than 25 different projects in this field together with the SUBMARINER network partnership, including among others the projects ‘Smart Blue Regions’, ‘BBG – Baltic Blue Growth’, ‘The Baltic Blue BioTechnology Alliance’, “UNITED”, ‘MUSES – Multi-Use in European Seas, ‘Capacity4MSP’, ‘The Blue Platform’, ‘BlueBioSites’, “BlueBioTECH”, ‘GRASS – Growing Algae Sustainably in the Baltic Sea’ and Blue Generation. In the framework of these initiatives s.Pro and its team members do not only continuously maintain the Baltic Blue Bioeconomy interactive website, facilitate transnational processes, expert groups and outreach to the wider public; but are also engaged in the development and follow-up of guidelines, recommendations and strategic Action Plans (i.e. SUBMARINER Compendium & Roadmap 2021-1027; MUSES Action Plan; BaltSeaPlan Handbook). Since 2016 s.Pro/SUBMARINER leads the only Baltic Sea wide accelerator, which has until now – with the help of more than 60 different kind of volunteer mentors - successfully assisted more than 40 different blue bioeconomy start-ups. In addition, we curate the first ever only catalogue of currently 250 Baltic Blue Bioeconomy companies showcasing their products and services, including many algae related enterprises.


Technopolis Group is a European policy consultancy specialized in policy advise and analysis, evaluation and impact assessment of innovation, science and technology policies and programs at the EU, national and regional level. Founded in 1989, Technopolis Group has a staff of over 150, a track record of over 3000 projects, and a base in 10 European cities: Amsterdam, Berlin, Brighton, Brussels, Frankfurt/Main, London, Paris, Stockholm, Tallinn and Vienna. We extended our international reach with two offices beyond Europe: Bogotá (Colombia) and Abidjan (Ivory Coast). In Technopolis Group we have staff originating from 43 countries and covering over 30 languages. Technopolis work for the European Commission, the European Parliament, and various European agencies adds up to more than 1000 assignments in policy, technical support, impact assessment and evaluation studies. Technopolis also works for other major international organisations (OECD, World Bank, UN) and Ministries across the Member States of the EU and EFTA/EEA and Candidate Countries. Technopolis Group has built a strong experience and capacity in helping policy makers to make the right economic, social and environmental choices. Technopolis team also has significant experience in working with various stakeholders in communication and outreach activities through running pan-European platforms and observatories. Examples are the Blue Bioeconomy Forum, Eco-innovation Observatory, Eco-innovation Action Plan Platform, European Resource Efficiency Knowledge Centre, Business Innovation Observatory, Regional Innovation Monitor, and the European Service Innovation Centre.