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Maritime Forum

EMODnet - second hydrography project - seabed mapping. first interim report

EMODnet (European Marine Observation and Data Network) is a contribution to the EU Integrated Maritime Policy. The European Commission, represented by the Directorate- General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (DG MARE), has concluded several service contracts for creating pilot components of the EMODnet. The overall objective is to create pilots to migrate fragmented and inaccessible marine data into interoperable, continuous and publicly available data streams for complete maritime basins.

The results will help to define processes, best technology and approximate costs of a final operational European Marine Observation and Data Network. It will also provide the first components for a final system which will in themselves be useful to the marine science community.

This Report describes the activities undertaken and progress made for the Seabed Mapping Lot during its 1st year.

The overall objectives of the Seabed Mapping Lot are to fill gaps in the EU’s low-resolution bathymetry map and to assemble a complete inventory of high resolution seabed mapping data held by public and private bodies.