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Maritime Forum

EMODnet physics group - interim reports

first interim report (pdf)

second interim report (pdf)

The overall objectives of the EMODnet Physical Parameters (EMODNet PP) preparatory action is to provide access to archived and near real-time data on physical conditions in Europe's seas and oceans by means of a dedicated Pilot Portal and to determine how well the data meet the needs of users from industry, public authorities and scientists. The latter implicates that it is also an objective to identify data gaps and arguments why these gaps should be filled in future monitoring. This project will contribute towards the definition of an operational European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet) and to developing the definition of the Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES) marine core service. This should be done by:

  1. providing through a portal:
    1. access to marine data from measurement stations and ferryboxes. Both near real-time and archived data of time series are to be made available.
    2. metadata for these data sets using EMODnet/INSPIRE standards.
    3. metadata maps and overviews for whole sea-basins showing the availability of data and monitoring intensity of that basin.
  2. monitoring and reporting on the effectiveness of the portal in meeting the needs of users in terms of ease of use, quality of information and fitness for purpose of the products delivered.
  3. analysing what lessons have been learned for a future operational EMODnet.
  4. keeping the portal operational afterwards

The portal must be operational 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and should clearly be branded as an EMODNet PP following the EMODnet design style as also adopted by other EMODnet portals. The EMODNet PP project asks for the following types of measurements:

Measurements from fixed stations that should cover at least:

  1. wave height and period;
  2. temperature of the water column;
  3. wind speed and direction;
  4. salinity of the water column;
  5. horizontal velocity of the water column ;
  6. light attenuation;
  7. sea level.

Measurements from ferryboxes that should cover at least:

  • temperature of the water column;
  • salinity of the water column.

Geographical data coverage:

The geographical coverage includes all the maritime regions with the following expected input providers:

  1. the Western Mediterranean Sea ( MOON (Mediterranean) and SeaDataNet);
  2. the Adriatic Sea ( MOON (Mediterranean) and SeaDataNet);
  3. the Ionian Sea and the Central Mediterranean Sea (ROOS Med and SeaDataNet);
  4. the Aegean-Levantine Sea ( MOON (Mediterranean) and SeaDataNet);
  5. the Greater North Sea, including the Kattegat, and the English Channel (NOOS (North West Shelf) and SeaDataNet);
  6. the Celtic Seas ( IBI ROOS (Bay of Biscay and the Iberian Coast) and SeaDataNet);
  7. the Bay of Biscay and the Iberian Coast ( IBI ROOS and SeaDataNet);
  8. the Atlantic Ocean, the Macronesian bio-geographic region, being the waters surrounding the Azores, Madeira and the Canary Islands (Coriolis and SeaDataNet), and Cape Verde (E subtropical Atlantic)
  9. North Atlantic (including Porcupine Abyssal Plain, Central Irminger Basin, Norwegian Sea) Arctic ROOS
  10. Black Sea (Black Sea ROOSand SeaDataNet)