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Maritime Forum

EMODnet Physics - first annual report Phase II

The EMODnet Physics portal is providing free and open access to latest 60 days of near real time data of measurements of physical parameters in European waters - waves, temperature, salinity, currents, light attenuation, sea-level, etc. This post...

Highlights of EMODnet Physics in first year (2013-2014) of EMODnet phase II

  • Meetings with ROOSs representatives to engage community and empower infrastructure
  • EMODnet Workshop in Iceland + Meeting with ARTIC ROOS
  • Working on of the EMODnet-EuroGOOS HF Radar coordination Group
  • Agreement between EMODnet Physics and IODE/ODP to enable data provided from EMODnet Physics to the ODP to be made available to the WMO Information System (WIS).
  • identification of validated historical datasets and metadata
  • Release of the new landing portal
  • Development of the portal (map page, interoperability features)
  • Monthly-average data product available via both platform- product-page and interoperability service

(a ROOS is a a Regional Ocean Observing System)