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Maritime Forum

EMODnet habitat data serves many purposes

171 different uses for the habitat data have been recorded in the annual report

31 OCTOBER 2014

Academic research

Analysis for optimal location of aquaculture sites analysis in Scotland

Analysis of environmental sensitivities offshore north sea.

Application for the 28th Licence Round - Environmental impact assessment part for DECC Alice Gadney - Cartographer -OMV UK 02073331985

Assessment of an invertebrate fishery and supporting ecosystem in the West coast of Ireland

Assessment of MPA network and Marine Habitat Mapping

Assist with research survey design and to contribute to ICES/OSPAR assessment

Atlantic Sea in Azores Investigation

background research for offshore route

Bay of Biscay marine habitat mapping and management

Bonn Agreement BE-AWARE project

Building GIS map of habitats in Severn estuary

Cable feasibility study

Case study cartography to create a MPAs layout.

Characterization of an area.

Combining with VME

Comparison with SNH survey deliverables to resolve apparent discrepancies

Compilation of marine datasets for a strategic Environmental Assessment

Creating marine habitat maps for a 'internal' research project for the UK Royal Society of Wildlife Trusts.

Creating marine habitat maps for a 'internal' research project for the UK Royal Society of Wildlife Trusts.

Data Analysis

Desk based feasibility study

Desk based survey for Natural England

ecosystem service assesmsent severn esyarry and bristol channel

Ecosystem Service Mapping

ecosystem service mapping severn estuary

Educational use

Environmental assessment

Environmental Constraint Mapping

Environmental Consultancy

Environmental Desktop Study

Environmental Mapping

Environmental studies - EIA, ES etc.

Establishing where Eunis habitats are in West of Shetlands

Evaluation environnementale document de planification activit├®s en mer

Figure creation for Department of Environment Northern Ireland by ABPmer.



For a sensitivity mapping project within the NE of Scotland

For connectivity assessment of macroalgae

For environmental information on or near project sites and subsea cable routes.

For inclusion in an EIA

For potential usage in European project Turnkey (Atlantic Areas project)

For reference in environmental planning.

for scientific research of the Western Iberian margin

For the web MPA OSPAR (GIS tool)

For use in an ES

For use in GIS projects along with our own fisheries and scientific data.

For use in subsea cable scoping study.

For use on a sensitivity mapping project along the NE coast of Scotland

For use within GIS for offshore windfarm EIA work

Gaining insight in spatial distribution of marine habitat types.

General interest

General planning benthic survey.

geoscience research regarding sound propagation through sediments

GIS work about Marine Protected Areas

Greater understanding for Environment Agency to use in WFD fish classification analysis for estuaries

Habitat analysis

Habitat assessments in Polessie protected areas/IBAs

Habitat Mapping

Habitat Mapping

Habitat Modelling - PhD Research

Habitats Directive assessment compilation of data on the marine environment

I am a PhD student looking into over-wintering wading birds on estuaries and being able to see some biotopes for the mudflat they forage upon would be very useful.

I am currently working on species distribution modelling and I need a lot of spatial data to perform my task. I am a PhD student at IUEM-UBO, Brest, France

I am doing a GIS project on wind farm location to puffin populations

I am doing a proposed research project looking at spatial displacement of cetaceans for an MSc course.

I am mapping marine communities of Canary Islands

I wish to download these data to create and manipulate maps for awareness-raising and advocacy for the Scottish MPA network and the National Marine Plan.

ICES working group

Inform benthic habitat assessment of tidal project in Northern Ireland

Interreg project

Interreg Valmer. North Devon case study

Kent and Essex IFCA habitat survey

Knowledge of possible impacts of trawling in the area.

Learn about the ecosystems that surround drilling platforms through spatial analysis.

LIFE+ Project on MPA in Portugal

local old version corrupted

MAIA project

Mapping in PO

Mapping marine communities of Canary Islands

Mapping of marine ecosystem services

Mapping survey results of the distribution of an invasive sea-squirt Didemnum vexillum in Clew Bay, Co. Mayo, Ireland.

Mapping survey results of the distribution of an invasive sea-squirt Didemnum vexillum in Clew Bay, Co. Mayo, Ireland.

Marine assessment

Marine Mapping Project

Marine protected area proposal and for sampling preparation and planning for PhD.

master thesis


Model of effects fishing in the Celtic Sea

Model of the effects of fishing on several species in the Celtic Sea



MPA OSPAR website

MSc assignment

MSFD analysis

MSFD use.

My PhD aims to model the habitat preference and spatial usage of seals' colonies. For this modelling work, I need environmental variables as sediment and seabed habitat.

Needed to create maps for Celtic Sea Trout Project. The project is part funded by the European Regional Development Fund through the Ireland Wales Programme (INTERREG 4A).

Offshore renewable SEA

Offshore wind farm planning and EIA

OSPAR habitat mapping program


PhD examining vulnerability of Modiolus habitats across OSPAR areas

PhD project is investigating climate change impacts to Modiolus beds

PhD research

PhD Study: using mapping to scope best areas to protect Irish Sea ray species.

Preparing a tender response and demo for OSPAR

Project Consulting

Project for a GIS class at Scripps Institute of Oceanography.

Project for Northern Ireland Marine Task Force

project on the impact of off shore windfarm on the biodiversity

Quality check



Research ecological status surrounding oil platforms.

Research for job application.

Research into climatic change effects on marine habitats and species

Research into marine spatial planning

Research into Nature Value and Nature Valuation

Research project

Research purpose

Scientific purposes

Scientific research

scientific research

Scientific research of the habitats in northern Spain

Scientific use to model cetacean and seabird distributions along Portuguese mainland coast

See possible impacts of trawl fishing in the area

Sensitivity map for oil spill response planning

Severn Estuary Mapping project

Shoreline sensitivity mapping

Statistical analysis

student work

study see beds in Azores


Subsea cable feasibility study

To assist authority to comply with the Biodiversity Duty and other regulations and guidance on environmental protection.

To assist compliance with Biodiversity Duty

To be able to describe the dataset as part of a marine data gap analysis for the EC funded EU BON project.

to check habitat locations

To check overlap

to check overlap of habitats and activities

To check overlap with habitats

To compare my data with sediment characterization

to compare with other habitat assessments in the same area

To evaluate whether it can inform assessments of risk to marine ecosystems

To incorporate data in habitat suitability modelling.

To produce overlay with fishing effort map.

To produce overlay with fishing effort map.

To review content

To update our records for NI Marine Conservation Zone designation process

To update our records for the Northern Irelands Marine Conservation Designation Process.

To use the data in future research

To view results of habitat surveys carried out in Northern Irelands inshore and offshore waters.

UK fisheries and environmental management

Understanding the marine habitats around Guernsey

Use in a postgraduate project

Use in Ospar Cobam work

Use in report for First Flight Wind

use in research work and informative

using data to examine vulnerability of Modiolus habitats

Valmer Interreg

We are computing a broad ecosystem map for the sea regions of Europe following EUNIS habitats classification at level 2.

We are currently doing research on ecosystem services delivered by the Belgium North Sea. To calculate biodiversity values we need to have habitat data for specific species and there sensitivity.

We are currently planning to conduct a coral habitat mapping in the eastern Mediterranean and want to compare our future data with these data.

We are recompiling GIS information related to the Azores Islands (Portugal) for scientific use.

Work on the problem of coastal erosion

Working on a project on support structure of offshore wind turbines

Working on a project related to the impact of windfarm on the biodiversity

Working on Euseamap 2

Working on strategic plan for aquaculture in Ireland
