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Maritime Forum

EMODnet - end of second year of second phase

The second phase of EMODnet began in 2014. The thematic groups are now reporting the results at the end of the second year of this phase



The overall compilation and integration of the new EMODnet digital terrain model (DTM) has been finalised and a new version has been published at 5 February 2015. A lot of efforts have been dedicated to identifying and solving anomalies caused by large differences when merging data from different surveys and the General Bathymetric Map of the Oceans (GEBCO). This February 2015 DTM meant a significant step forward, because it gives a full European coverage and the resolution of the overall DTM has been increased from ¼ * ¼ arc minutes to 1/8 * 1/8 arc minutes, which corresponds to circa 230 * 230 meters;

progress report


An EU-wide assessment of those species and communities identified as indicators for descriptors 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive was performed. The indicators were resolved to target species level and it is now possible to search the EMODnet Biology Data Portal for the relevant species and observations using the “Species importance to society” selection.

progress report


production of 5 regional aggregated and validated data set collections for nutrients (NO3, NOx, TN, PO4, TP, SiO4, NH4) with the involvement of the whole partnership.

progress report


Assessment of all seabed substrate information available at 1:250,000 scale and the compilation of information at 1:1 million scale where the higher resolution information is not available;

progress report


First run ever of the comprehensive EUNIS habitat model for all EU marine basins, namely Baltic, Norwegian, North Sea, Celtic, Atlantic, Macaronesia, Western Med., Ionian and Central Med., Aegean and Levantine, Black Sea.

progress report

Human activities

New datasets have been added: ‘telecom cables’ ‘finfish mariculture’, ‘hydrocarbon licenses’, ‘offshore installations’ ‘fish catches by FAO statistical area’, and ‘state of bathing waters’.

progress report


Interoperability services, the EMODnet Physics is developing interoperability services to facilitate machine to machine interaction and to provide further systems and services with European seas and ocean physical data and metadata. In particular, EMODnet Physics is providing OCG compliant WMS and WFS layers offering information about which parameters are available (where and who is the data originator, etc.). EMODnet Physics is providing SOAP - web services which allow linkage to external services with near real time data stream and facilitate a machine-to-machine data fetching and assimilation.

progress report