EMODnet Chemical pilot is focused on the groups of chemicals required for monitoring the Marine Strategy Framework Directive:
- synthetic compounds (i.e. pesticides, antifoulants, pharmaceuticals),
- heavy metals,
- radionuclides;
- fertilisers and other nitrogen- and phosphorus-rich substances;
- organic matter (e.g. from sewers or mariculture);
- hydrocarbons including oil pollution.
Based on SeaDataNet (SDN) experience, the following strategy was proposed as approach for the EMODnet pilots:
- Develop a high-end dedicated portal, outfitted with a powerful spatial database, that is complemented with WMS, WFS and WCS services (OGC) to serve users and to provide layers for the wider community (e.g. the other EMODnet portals, the prototype European Atlas of the Seas, and the broad-scale European Marine Habitats map);
- Provide data sets for producing interpolated maps with specific resolution for each geographical region, that are loaded and integrated afterwards into the portals’ spatial database;
- Include a metadata discovery service in the portal, by adopting the SeaDataNet Common Data Index (CDI) metadata standard, that inter alia gives clear information about the background data, the access restrictions and distributors; this also maintains the relationship of the EMODnet portals with the SeaDataNet distributed infrastructure.
So far, EMODnet Chemical lot technical set-up is based on SeaDataNet V1 infrastructure, using the principle of ‘adopted and adapted’. In fact, EMODnet Chemical lot adopts and adapts:
- SDN Standards for background data, metadata and product. This in particular includes CDI (xml ISO 19115) metadata, ODV data format for background data exchange, SDN standard vocabularies (like P021 for CDI generation, P061 for units, P011 for ODV generation),
- CDI mechanism to access data with data policy management,
- SDN Security Services for user registrations,
- SDN Delivery Services for data access and downloading,
- SDN Products metadata catalogue (CAMIOON system),
- SDN Products viewing services for discovery, visualization and downloading of data products.
- SDN software tools (MIKADO metadata mapping and xml generator, NEMO formatting tool, DIVA software tool to produce gridded data products and error maps as NetCDF files, ODV software for “time series” products generation and QC check).
In particular, during the first year of project activities, the need was identified for specific methods to visualise parameters showing a non homogeneous spatio-temporal distribution which the EMODnet chemical lot considers. A specific workshop was organised to solve the issue and a new set of products were released, at first as a prototype. As a consequence, ODV/DIVA softwares were upgraded to produce maps, plots and related metadata
This Final Report describes the activities carried out during the first two years of EMODnet chemical pilot (4th of June 2009 – 3rd of June 2011), corresponding to the Development and build phase (M1-M12), to the test and monitor phase (M13-M18) and to the upgrade phase (M19-M24). The results obtained in this time period are described in the First Interim report (4th of June 2009 – 3rd of June 2010) and in the Second Interim report (4th of June 2010 – 3rd of December 2010). Here we recall what was achieved in the project, the deliverables produced by each work package, the challenges faced and any deviation from the project tender. An analysis of performance and lessons learned and an analysis of sustainability will be draft, as specified in the Technical Tender Form for Lot 3 – Chemical Data, leaving the final conclusions to the end of the project.
EMODnet Chemical pilot is undertaken by 25 partners representing the SeaDataNet network of Data Centres, selected on their geographical coverage and specific expertise. These Data Centres already manage a large volume of relevant data sets and can enlarge the available collections from data holders in their country. Moreover the SeaDataNet partnership includes ICES, which acts as data centre for monitoring data for OSPAR, HELCOM and EIONET ensuring consistency is maintained with existing data reporting routes.
The EMODnet Chemical tender asks for data sets from the Greater North Sea and the Black Sea region. However, we planned to expand the pilot regions with five spots from the Mediterranean (Balearic Sea, Gulf of Lion, North Adriatic Sea, Gulf of Athens and NE Levantine basin). (DivadoXML) and the Ocean Browser Products Viewing Service functionalities upgraded to visualize station maps with links to time series plots.
This Final Report is organised into 5 sections, where the progress made in the 5 work packages according to the tender planning of activities is summarised. These are:
- Project management,
- Data collection and metadata compilation,
- QC/QA and products,
- Technical development and portal operation,
- Analysis and evaluation.
Some final remarks are given in the final section.