The study was developed through five tasks:
- Common delineation of the maritime activities: a common definition of maritime activities was developed, by looking at literature, past studies and similar exercises carried our worldwide. A set of economic activities that make up the blue economy was selected based on the definition developed.
- Indicators for maritime activities: after defining the list of maritime activities to include in the study, two sets of indicators were chosen to measure them. Some basic common indicators are common to all activities and provide information on turnover, value added and employment for each activity. Other indicators are ‘sector-specific’, in that they were chosen based on the specificities of each economic activity, to capture phenomena that go beyond socio-economic performance.
- Identification of sustainable data sources: data sources were identified for each indicator and activity. Most data are sourced from Eurostat, but other sources were also identified when Eurostat did not have sufficient information.
- Collecting and processing the data: the data were then collected, processed and imported into a database.
- Peer review process: a peer-review group of external experts was set up to validate the findings of the research team. The peer-review group was made up of stakeholders from industry and academia, their expertise covering the different sectors of the blue economy.
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