The overall aim of this project is to examine the current data collection, observation, surveying, sampling and data assembly programs in the Baltic Sea basin, assess and demonstrate how they can fit into purpose in the 11 challenge areas in terms of data uncertainty, availability, accessibility and adequacy, and deliver the findings to stakeholders through an internet portal with dynamic mapping features and a stakeholder workshop. The Baltic Sea region is as defined by the Marine Strategy Framework Directive, i.e., the semi-enclose sea bounded by the parallel of the Skaw in the Skagerrak at 57°44.43'
Such a practice is the first step to build up a sustainable platform for evolving European marine data strategy and usage through an instrument – Basin checkpoint. The outcome of this practice, such as maps, digital data layers and reports, should be presented through a Checkpoint Portal with dynamic mapping structures, a format compatible with INSPIRE, EMODNET and OGC standards to ensure that they are sustainable and can be readily used as part of the existing EMODNET Portal. The assessment results and recommendations will be summarized into Literature Review and Data Adequacy Reports.
Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI)
Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Denmark
ETT S.P.A. (ETT), Italy
EuroGOOS AISBL (EuroGOOS), Belgium
Ilmatieteen Laitos, Finish Meteorological Institute (FMI), Finland
Klaipeda University (KU), Lithuania
Swedish Maritime Administration (SMA), Sweden
Swedish Meteorological and Hydrologicai Institute (SMHI), Sweden
Tallinn University of Technology (TUT), Estonia
Grontmij A/S