- The platform is operational
- Seaweed model is integrated
- The web interface is under testing / refinement and can launch the models
- Seaweeds model is operational
- Shellfish model is implemented and under testing / refinement and will be intergrated soon on the platform
- Farm model is implemented and under testing / refinement
- Nutrient availability model is in under testing / refinement . The results simulated on a sub-area will be tested with real data on the whole area
- Farm optimisation algorithm is under study
- Net CO2 emission is under testing / refinement and will be integrated soon
- Impacts on fishing : the methodology is finalised
- Preparing digital maps has began and will be integrated soon. Draft of Emodnet maps is available for seaweed growth
- writing an article will be initiated soon, based on the results of seaweed growth
- Will start soon