- Towards a marine bioinformatics infrastructure in Europe"
Presentation by F.O. Glöckner, (Expert Member)
Presentation by Carlo Heip, (Invited expert)
Presentation by Nathalie Rousseau, European Ocean Energy Association
- Preliminary results of the study on structural funds and marine research infrastructure
Presentation by W. Saab, DG RTD
to the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). What needs to be done at European level? e.g. with regard to:
Biodiversity, alien species, seabed integrity
Eutrophication Hydrographical conditions
Short introduction by Gianna Casazza, DG ENV
- Data gaps and needs with regard to ocean / climate interaction. What needs to be
done at European level? In particular as regards: better prediction of climate change impact on the marine environment better prediction of climate change impact on coastal areas (sea level rise, erosion, extreme events…)
Short presentation by K. Nittis (Expert Member)
related to the MSFD needs? Support better knowledge of climate change impact? Presentation of an assessment organised jointly by the European Environment Agency and EURO-GOOS, by Tim Haigh from the EEA Observation requirements in relation to seismic risks (and tsunami).
Short presentation by J. Mienert (Expert Member)