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Maritime Forum

2nd EMODnet Technical Working Group Meeting

The EMODnet Technical Working Group consists of the data portal managers and developers involved in EMODnet projects. The group meets at least twice per year to discuss common challenges and solutions to provide better services to the EMODnet users.

Date: 5/07/2017 - 9h00 to 6/07/2019 - 16h00

Meeting Venue: Genua Aquarium, Ponte Spinola, 16128 Genova, Italië


Name Organisation
Jan-Bart Calewaert (JBC) EMODnet Secretariat
Pascal Derycke (PD) EMODnet Secretariat
Thomas Loubrieu (TL) IFREMER
Mikael Treguer (MT)
Nick Earwater (NE) Lovell Johns Limited
Alex Barth (AB) University of Liege
ALessandro Pititto (AP) COGEA
Greame Duncan (GD) JNCC
Gerrit Hendriksen (GH)
Fanny Lecoy (FL)
Ulla Alanen (UA) GTK
Pjetursson (BP)
Florence Benezit (FB) Trust-IT
Bart Vanhoorne (BV) VLIZ
Filip Waumans (FW) VLIZ
Patrick Gorringe (PG) SMHI
Antonio Novellino (AN) ETT S.p.A.
Dick Schaap (DS) MARIS
Fabio Gennai (FG) Trust-IT
Matteo Vinci (MV) OGS
Francisco Souza Diaz (FSD) VLIZ
Paolo D'Angelo (PD) ETT S.p.A.
Marco Alba (MA) ETT S.p.A.
Simon Claus (SC) VLIZ

Meeting Minutes

Day I

  • FSD welcomes all participants and thanks Antonio Novellino (AN) and ETT as local host
  • Presentation agenda by FSD
  • AN announces practical
  • Increase unique visitor Central Portal
  • Catalogue developments
  • Dissemination through twitter success
  • News items should be sent to secretariat, can be used for general EMODnet dissemination
  • Newsletter has 2000 contacts, twitter followers 1718
  • Tomorrow presentation of updates by TrustIT

Update JBC secretariat:

1. New tender for secretariat (end of august): support (monitoring, communication, checkpoint work: contribute to EOOS with MB
and EuroGOOS, move Atlas of the Seas to secretariat, supporting Technical working group meetings, (two technical meeting per year at least one physical meeting per year)
2. Good outreach: EMODnet mentioned 15 times during IOC meeting (PG)
3. Visit EMODNet to Mercator Ocean (Open call to participate)

Demo catalogue and geoviewer (FSD)

Full list of Action Points available here

  • Update chemistry link to integrated Seabasin product (currently to old link) (AB)
    • Add Access to web coverage service in metadata (AP)
    • Geology:currently repeat metadata+> static xml that we harvest for metadata (BP)
    • Seabed habitats: move towards one product (GD)
    • Replace metadata with description?
    • Getlegendgraphic: Alex & Bart check how to implement (BV & AB)
    • Getmapinfo of seabed habitats not working (VLIZ)
    • Inform Iain about new viewer & possible problem with EEZ (SC)
Query tool functionality
  • Move from discrete points to complete region
  • Add it in the gis viewer
    • Include selection layer in GIS viewer: link to query tool. (IDEA VLIZ)
  • Example EMIS/Marineanalyst
EMODnet Catalogue

EMODnet Biology

  • Q : Link Atlas/European atlas of the seas?
  • Q: Sealevel data?
  • Q: Species distribution modelling: start with North Sea (suggestion DS)

EMODnet chemistry

  • Q: Marine litter maps: under discussion in what format
    • Map chemistry plots: deep links? (AB)

EMODnet Physics (AN)

  • Time dimension: 7 days, 60 d, 1Y, 10Y,
  • Services: SOAP/Rest/OGC/THREDDS
  • Geoserver: platform type, parameter, sea basin
    • HF Radar, MEOP data: THREDD server: using OGC standard (VLIZ)
  • Monthly averages, max,min: Temp, sal; sea level, Sea Ice,
    • AN provide Xml metadata per platform (AN).

EMODnet Seabed habitats

  • Q: OSPAR declining habitats: link with ICES Vulnerable habitats
  • Provide WPS?
    • Move from mapserver to Geoserver/PostgreSQL (GD)
  • Geoserver app-schema: translate between schemas (INSPIRE)
  • Track WMS requests?
  • Central chat/discussion: slack?
    • Setup EMODnet Github (VLIZ)

EMODnet Geology

  • Map powered by EGDI
  • Projection EPSG:3034 (For European datasets)
  • Products in PostgreSQL
  • Web tool (charts, cookie consent, captcha) : not available
  • EMODnet wish list:

1. General terms of use (?)
2. Single sign on (Thomas)
3. User feedback & help desk: (secretariat, CP)
4. Piwik (TrustIT)

EMODnet Bathymetry

    • Bathymetry's basemap as background layer CP (DS)
  • Updating pipeline
    • Getfeature info: colour => use WCS (VLIZ & GH)
  • EMODnet Human activities
  • IAS data: clean GB’s of data
  • Buy data or is provided for free
Query multidimensional dataproducts

GH presents

  • Domain super-seeding data collection using services
  • Use case 1: Relation between depth and Amphiura f
  • Depth: Python package: owslib – occurrences species
    • Advertise services better (VLIZ)
    • Code snippet (publish in EMODnet Github) (GH)
    • Create page describing WMS/WFS/WCS) (all lots)

Multidimensional datasets AB presents

  • Present netCDF 4/Opendap
  • Oceanbrowser WMS (unit lacking)
  • Also has vertical sections (GIS systems need to consider 3D)
  • Legend: use OGC standards (SLD…): to discuss on github?

Day II

Open Sea Lab (Presentation by JBC)

  • Selection procedure
    • Prepare data packages (All)
    • Select people to be part of tech assistance group (All)
  • Discussion on prices

Dashboard example physics (AN)

  • Using logs on webserver
  • Analyse logs (filter out bad suspect IP’s)

Dashboard example Ifremer (TL)

  • Analysis of products for MED checkpoints
  • Overview products per domain, per availability
  • Feedback loop to dataprovider?
  • Technical monitoring: semaphore

1. React to failure of services
2. Reporting to assess performance and availability
3. Metadata in sextant, icinga used to test, monitor
4. AtlantOS working group on usage logging

  • Dedicated feedback to data providers (who’s using their data)
  • Overcome dilution of data providers contribution (overview contributions per provider)
  • Raw logs (apache/ftp)
  • Request; user; dataset

Presentation EMODnet data ingestion (DS)

EMODnet progress indicators (FlB)

  • New progress indicators proposed
  • 5 aspects: relevant, actionable, precise, easy to report, coherence


  • 1: Volume and coverage of data and products (per theme/seabasin)
  • 2: Coverage of acquired external data products per parameter
    • Coordinators need guidance document with indicators partly completed per theme (FB)
  • 3: Organisations supplying data/products
  • 4: List quality and harmonization steps to make acquired: difficult!
  • 5: Number of built own dataproducts
  • 6: Visibility
  • 7: Technical monitoring (visitor stats…)
  • 8: Interfaces to access data (how to log WMS/WFS, how to compare between portals?)
  • 9: Uses
  • 10: Application, (used on services)
  • List publications (bonus indicator)

Discuss further at SC meeting, target: first delivery after Y1 contracts

    • Technical monitoring: website availability, responsiveness, mobile adaptability= > send dashboard link to coordinators: (FG)
    • Registration funnel: Piwik
    • Central Piwik installation – pilot with Geology
    • Possibly Central Piwik installation on CP server

Single sign-on (TL)

  • MarineID: used by SDN, Copenicus, EMODnet
  • 3600 users
  • Link with B2Acess
  • Link with Copernicus MEMS, CMEMS, Mercator Ocean, EUMETSAT, EOSC
  • Collect basic authentication
  • Autorization/data licensing managed in different databases
  • Authorization/License: rights between marineID/EMODnet CP:

1. MarinID users can login into QueryTool -[ ]

2. List & compare attributes between user databases (TL & BV)

  • Ravamp Central Portal (FB)
    • i. Overall acceptance
  • Data policies

1. Map existing policies that exist and propose overall data policy EMODnet by next SC meeting (JBC)

  • Next meeting technical working group beginning 2018
  • FSD Thank all partners and meeting is closed

Annex I - Agenda

Wednesday, 5 July 2017

09.00-09.15: Introduction (Francisco Souza Dias / Antonio Novellino)

  • Welcome to participants
  • Practical arrangements
  • Tour de Table

09.15-09.30: Progress & objectives (Francisco Souza Dias)

  • Updates since last meeting
  • Expected outcomes

09.30-10.45: Status EMODnet Central Portal (Francisco Souza Dias)

  • Functionalities
    • Product Catalogue
    • Geoviewer 2.0
    • Overview services & API’s
    • Service query tool

10.45-11.00: Break

11.00-15.30 (all) (lunch break included)

Existing and Upcoming data products per lot: Metadata & Data models & links to Central Portal

  • 11.00-11.30 Biology (Simon Claus)
  • 11.30-12.00 Chemistry (Alex Barth)
  • 12.00-12.30 Physics (Antonio Novellino)
  • 13.30-14.00 Geology (Bjarni Pjetursson)
  • 14.00-14.30 Seabed Habitats (Graeme Duncan)
  • 14.30-15.00 Bathymetry (Dick Schaap)
  • 15.00-15.30 Human Activities (Nick Earwaker)

15.30-16.00: Break


Querying multidimensional data products

  • Examples from Deltares (G Hendriksen)
  • Examples from Liége (A Barth)
  • Examples from VLIZ (F. Waumans)
  • Discussion

Dinner (TBD)

Thursday, 6 July 2017

09.00-09.20: Increase use: EMODnet Data Competition

09.20-10.45: Monitoring use

Dashboard examples

  • Physics (A Novellino)
  • ifremer (T Loubrieu)
  • EMODnet progress indicators and monitoring system (Trust-IT)

10:45-11:15 Coffee Break

11.15-12.30 Status Single Sign-On

12:30-13:30 Lunch

13:30-15:30 (Trust-IT)

  • Revamping of central portal and EMODnet style guide revision
  • Development of EMODnet intranet features
  • EMODnet overview of data policies
  • RSS News feeds
  • Search Engine Optimization

15.00-16.00 Wrap up, actions, next meeting (Francisco Souza Dias)