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Maritime Forum

16th EMODnet (Spring 2022) Steering Committee Meeting - Agenda

Hybrid meeting: Physical meeting at InnovOcean, Ostend & online connection
Dates: Wednesday 27 April 2022 (09:30-17:00 joint), Thursday 28 April 2022 (09:30-12:30) (all times in Central European Summer Time, CEST)
Meeting Chair: Jan-Bart Calewaert (Head, EMODnet Secretariat)

Meeting Agenda

Wednesday 27 April 2022 09:30-17.00
09:30: EMODnet SC Joint Session*

*This Session will be open for Members of the EMODnet Technical Working Group (E-TWG) and the EC Marine Knowledge Expert Group (MKEG)
1. 9:30-9:50 Welcome and Updates (EMODnet Secretariat and DG MARE) - 20’

  • Practical arrangements and guidelines for remote meetings (EMODnet Secretariat)
  • Introduction to the meeting agenda, agenda adoption and outline of key expected outcomes (EMODnet Secretariat)
  • EMODnet current status and perspectives & Marine Knowledge Expert Group updates (EC, DG MARE)

2. 9:50-10:05 Centralisation overview: short updates on progress, implementation process and high-level updates from TWG (from 26 April) (Secretariat, VLIZ, with ALL thematic lots) – 15’
3. 10:05-12:00 Updates from EMODnet 7 Thematics & Data Ingestion (All Coordinators) – 100’

Coordinators give key updates and forward look (8’ presentation per EMODnet Coordinator & 3’ questions/talk) – this agenda item includes a comfort break.

11:00-11:20 COMFORT BREAK

4. 12:00-12:30 EMODnet thematic, data ingestion and Centralisation discussion and Q&A - 30’ (ALL, with Q&A from MKEG, as relevant)

12:30/13:00-14:00 LUNCH BREAK

5. 14:00-14:20 European Ocean Observing: Update on EC Ocean Observation initiative & EMODnet work plan alignment and contributions (desktop studies, targeted assessments, Representation on European Ocean Observing for a e.g., EOOS, future developments) – 20’ (EC DG MARE, Secretariat, ALL)
6. 14:20-14:40 EMODnet for Business: Updates on events 2022 & interaction with MKEG - 20’ (EC DG MARE, Secretariat, MKEG, ALL)
7. 14:40-15:00 EMODnet Communication: updates on latest Strategy – 20’
8. 15:00-15:10 EMODnet flagship events 2022-2023 (Secretariat, ALL) – 10’
9. 15:10-16:15 External partnerships and interactions (Secretariat, EC DG MARE, ALL) - 65’

  • European partnerships: Copernicus Marine Service, Regional Sea Conventions & Other (Secretariat, ALL) - 20’

15:30-15:45 COMFORT BREAK

  • EMODnet for society: European Atlas of the Seas, EU4Ocean #MakeEUBlue (Secretariat, ALL) - 15’
  • Global partnerships: EMOD-PACE, IODE, GEOSS & GEO-Blue Planet, UN Ocean Decade (Secretariat, ALL) - 20’
  • External events: Recent and upcoming to end of 2022 (Secretariat, ALL) - 10’

10. 16:15-16:20 Closing remarks and Any Other Business (AOB) - 5’
17:00 Open Session Closes

Thursday 28 April 2022 – 09:30 - 12:30

9:30 EMODnet SC reconvenes (Closed session)

11. 9:30-9:40 Welcome & introduction (Jan-Bart Calewaert) – 10’

  • Welcome and agenda for the day (Secretariat)
  • Update and short reflections on Day 1 joint session (All)

12. 9:40-10:10 Operational updates from the Secretariat (EMODnet Secretariat) – 30’

  • Update on EMODnet operations, developments & continuity of service
  • List and status of actions from previous meetings
  • Key updates on EMODnet work plan and partnerships
  • Steering Committee composition and Terms of Reference

13. 10:10-10:20 DG MARE & CINEA reflections on future EMODnet developments, partnerships, etc (EC DG MARE, CINEA) – 10’
14. 10:20-10:40 Central Portal centralisation: Reflections from TWG and SC Day 1 discussions on challenges, opportunities and next steps (Secretariat, VLIZ, Coordinators, ALL) - 20’
15. 10:40-10:55 EMODnet flagship events: EMODnet Hackathon 2023; EMODnet Open Conference 2023 (Secretariat, EC DG MARE, ALL) - 15’

11:00-11:15 COMFORT BREAK

16. 11:15-11:45 EMODnet community dialogues: Ocean Best Practice; Citizen Science, Other topics (Secretariat, Coordinators, ALL) - 30’
17. 11:45-12:15 EMODnet for Global – 30’

  • UN Ocean Decade Data Coordination Group: Operational discussion on Terms of Reference, membership and roles, activities (Secretariat, ALL) – 15’
  • UN Ocean Conference side event (Secretariat, ALL) - 10’

18. 12:15-12:20 Next Steering Committee Meeting: format, date and location, possibility for back-to-back meeting with Copernicus Marine Service (Secretariat & All) - 5’
19. 12:20-12:30 Summary of actions and wrap up (EMODnet Secretariat, DG MARE) - 10’
20. Any other business (AOB)

End of Meeting no later than 12:30 (earlier if possible)


Go to the meeting minutes and presentations here.