13th EMODnet Steering Committee Meeting
Autumn 2020
Meeting Venue: Remote Meeting – connection details will be provided in advance of the meeting
Dates: 9 November 2020 (14:00-17:00) & 10 November 2020 (09:00-13:00)
Meeting Chairs: Iain Shepherd (DGMARE) & Jan-Bart Calewaert (Head, EMODnet Secretariat)
* Agenda items will be advanced offline as much as possible by circulating Meeting Documents and exchanging information in advance of the meeting. Items in italics and grey will only be addressed if there are important questions from participants or if issues remain which can only be addressed via online discussion.
Draft Meeting Agenda
DAY 1, 9 November 2020 – 14:00-17:00
- Welcome & introduction (Iain Shepherd, Jan-Bart Calewaert) – 5’
- Welcome and outline of the Meeting Agenda
- Practical arrangements and guidelines for remote meetings*
- Updates from DG MARE (Iain Shepherd / Zoi Konstantinou) – 10’
- DGMARE Vision, Objectives & Priorities for next phase of EMODnet
- Marine Knowledge Expert Group updates
- General updates from the Secretariat (EMODnet Secretariat) – 30’
- Impact of COVID19 on EMODnet operations, developments & continuity of service
- List of actions from previous meetings
- A look back at the EMODnet 10 years celebrations
- EMODnet activities, events and calendar 2021
- Interactions between EMODnet and other European initiatives/actors (e.g. MSFD, MSP, RSCs, CMEMS, JRC, EEA, EMSA, etc.)
SHORT COMFORT BREAK - 15’ – restart 15:00
- Looking forward: EMODnet Open Conference and Jamboree 2020 (Secretariat & all) – 30’
- Focus and objectives
- Open Conference: format and preliminary programme
- Jamboree: fostering cross-lot interactions in support of new vision objectives
- External communication and external stakeholders (Secretariat) – 30’
- Overview of key updates of communication materials and activities
- Communication protocol for major EMODnet data release & anticipated releases
- EMODnet Associated Partners and EMODnet for Business
SHORT COMFORT BREAK - 15’ – restart 16:15
- Interactions with external projects and developments, Horizon Europe – 30’
- H2020 pilot Blue-Cloud (added value to EMODnet and European marine data services) (TRUST-IT, MARIS, VLIZ & Secretariat)
- Flow of data EMODnet-PANGAEA and GIS platforms for data visualization; experience from H2020 Atlas and iAtlantic
- Updates from Steering Committee with regards to related projects (EUROSEAS; ENVRI-FAIR; ODYSSEA…)
- EMODnet as a service provider for research, industry, civil society and policy (including MSFD, MSPD, …) & supporting the EU Green Deal
- Short update on the European Atlas of the Seas (Secretariat & DG MARE) – 5’
- Wrap up day 1 and forward look day 2 – 10’
END OF MEETING EXPECTED NO LATER THAN 17:00 (earlier if possible)
DAY 2, 10 November 2020 – 9:00-13:00**
**This Session will be open for Members of the EMODnet Technical Working Group (E-TWG) and the EC Marine Knowledge Expert Group (MKEG)
- Welcome new participants and introduction to the agenda for the meeting & Recap on the DGMARE Vision, Objectives & Priorities for next phase of EMODnet (DG MARE) – 20’
- Framework for developments under the current and next phase (Secretariat) – 5’
- Central Portal status updates and look forward (VLIZ) - 20’
- Updates on European ocean observing, EMODnet support for EU action (DG MARE) – 15’
SHORT COMFORT BREAK - 15’ – restart 10:15
- Updates from Thematic assembly groups – 75’
SHORT COMFORT BREAK - 15’ – restart 11:45
- EMODnet for Global (Secretariat & all) – 60’
- EMOD-PACE – EU-China Marine Data Collaboration EMODnet-NMDIS – 30’
- EMODnet contribution to IODE, the Ocean information hub and Ocean Decade – 10’
- EMODnet contribution to the UN2030 Agenda and the UN Ocean Conference – 10’
- EMODnet global activities by thematic project (all lots) – 10’
- Any other business
- Next Steering Committee Meeting: format, date and location (Secretariat & all)
- Summary of actions and wrap up
END OF MEETING EXPECTED NO LATER THAN 13:00 (earlier if possible)