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Articles (1919)

Showing results 1850 to 1860

"Nouvelles opportunités pour les zones de pêche européennes" Quel meilleur titre pour introduire notre premier magazine et les objectifs de l'Axe 4?Le premier numéro de FARNET Magazine est désormais disponible en version papier et électronique.Parmi les sujets traités dans ce premier numéro, vous...

"New opportunities for Europe’s fisheries areas" What best title to introduce our first magazine and the goals of Axis 4? The first edition of FARNET Magazine is now available in printed and electronic format. Among a variety of subjects, our first issue includes full-length articles on: - the...

The second FARNET Managing Authorities meeting took place in Brussels on the 19th February 2010. This meeting gathered more than 40 participants from 19 Member states, enabling to exchange experience, questions and suggestions on how to select and promote effective and qualitative strategies for...

[img_assist|nid=775|title=knowledge triangle (from wikipedia)|desc=|link=none|align=center|width=100|height=59]Brussels, 2.2.2010 SEC(2010) 114 final COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT Lisbon Strategy evaluation documentOverall, the Lisbon Strategy has had a positive impact on the EU even though its...

I SummaryFeedback from the individual workshops has been brought together here under the broad topics of sustainability, policy and communication - since these considerations evolved as the major issues of importance, both for fisheries and aquaculture, during the timeline of the project, and...