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Articles (468)

Showing results 450 to 460

Ocean Literacy resources: Make a Sea Change

Sea Change was an EU H2020 funded project that aimed to advance the concept of Ocean Literacy in Europe. The goal of the project was to establish a fundamental “Sea Change” in the way European citizens view their relationship with the sea, by empowering them, as Ocean Literate citizens, to take...

Virtual focus group meetings with Ocean Education Stakeholders

Each virtual focus group meeting – holding, on average, 8 to 12 stakeholders and lasting 2 to 3 hours – aimed to gather existing ocean literacy school projects, to capture opinions on good practices, obstacles and challenges, and about the certification process, content of a handbook and conditions...

Save the Sea Project

Save the Sea Project has two main objectives: to create community of ocean-literate and interested individuals and to raise money for a tangible goal they can all relate to. The idea attracts people who intentionally seek ways to help and become part of agreater movement . On the other hand, by...

EU4Ocean Platform founding members

76 organisations, initiatives and individuals have joined the EU4Ocean Platform as founding members. These members form the basis of the EU4Ocean Platform - the hub for organisations and initiatives to connect, collaborate and mobilise efforts on ocean literacy.

Ride the wave and take part in the #YoungOceanWaves video & photo contest

Please note that the contest is closed. Winners will be announced on 24th of September.Crazy about the ocean? The #EU4Ocean Coalition was running the #YoungOceanWaves contest: What the ocean means to me. We were looking for cool videos & photos that show your connection to the ocean!The...

Website manual for members of the EU4Ocean online communities

Are you a member of an EU4Ocean online community or would like to become one? This user guide gives detailed explanations of the technical functionalities of the website. The manual covers the following functions:How to create an EU Login and login to the maritime forum websiteHow to request...

Website manual for members of the EU4Ocean online communities

Are you a member of an EU4Ocean online community or would like to become one? This user guide gives detailed explanations of the technical functionalities of the website. The manual covers the following functions:How to create an EU Login and login to the maritime forum websiteHow to request...

Website manual for members of the EU4Ocean online communities

Are you a member of an EU4Ocean online community or would like to become one? This user guide gives detailed explanations of the technical functionalities of the website. The manual covers the following functions:How to create an EU Login and login to the maritime forum websiteHow to request...