On 20th June 2023 a workshop was organized by partners of a study “Ocean Observation Reporting Obligations” managed by the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA), in collaboration with the European Commission (DG MARE) and funded by the European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF).
The workshop was invitation only and brought together public sector stakeholders involved in ocean observation and marine monitoring coordination and/or marine data collection. Consulting with the private sector did not fall into the scope of this workshop. The geographical focus of the discussions was European sea-basins, with most stakeholders being National, Regional or European, with some international representation.
The main goal of the workshop was to inform, stimulate discussion and collect stakeholder feedback on a prototype Ocean Observation template and map viewer, developed as part of the aforementioned study.
During the workshop, participants were informed about the prototype template and map viewer, via presentations and discussions, and were invited to actively interact and provide feedback on the prototype tools and the added value for their stakeholder community. Following the workshop, a survey was launched in summer 2023 to capture any additional stakeholder feedback.
A short report of stakeholder consultation outcomes, produced by CINEA study (CINEA/2021/OP/0009) partners, can be viewed and downloaded below.
Stakeholder feedback on a prototype Ocean Observation campaign reporting template and map viewer