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Maritime Forum

Den Levende Fiskerihavn

Short description of the action

The Living Fisheries Harbor project endeavors to rejuvenate local fisheries and small harbors, recognizing their indispensable cultural, historical, and economic significance in shaping community identity and fostering biodiversity. Engaging a consortium comprising universities (RUC, AAU, SDU), the Danish Technological Institute, local fishermen, commercial stakeholders, Stevns Municipality, Stevns Business, the Coastal Directorate, and partners from nations bordering the Baltic Sea, the initiative aims to establish an international marine hub in Rødvig. This center will serve as a catalyst for sustainable development and collaborative endeavors across the Baltic region.

At its core, the project seeks to catalyze a holistic approach to revitalizing coastal communities by leveraging the inherent potential of local fisheries and harbors. Rødvig Harbor, serving as the epicenter of this initiative, will be transformed into a nexus for sustainable production, cutting-edge research, and educational activities. By fostering synergies between academia, industry, government, and civil society, the project aims to create a thriving ecosystem that nurtures innovation, fosters knowledge exchange, and empowers local communities.

A key feature of the Living Fisheries Harbor project is its scalability and replicability. The modular design ensures flexibility, allowing components such as sustainable production facilities, research labs, and educational programs to be tailored to the unique needs of different regions within and beyond the Baltic Sea area. Furthermore, the project emphasizes the development of best practices documentation, pilot programs, and training initiatives, which will serve as invaluable resources for other communities seeking to embark on similar endeavors.

In alignment with the objectives of the EU’s "Ocean and Water" mission, the project contributes to the protection and restoration of marine ecosystems, the prevention of pollution, and the promotion of a sustainable blue economy. By championing these goals, the Living Fisheries Harbor project not only addresses pressing environmental challenges but also underscores the economic and social imperatives of sustainable coastal development.

In conclusion, the Living Fisheries Harbor project represents a pioneering effort to redefine the relationship between coastal communities and their marine environments. Through collaboration, innovation, and a steadfast commitment to sustainability, the project seeks to chart a course towards a more resilient and prosperous future for fisheries and harbors in the Baltic Sea region and beyond.

Name of organisation
Den Levende Fiskerihavn
Type of organisation
Non-governmental organisation
Type of action proposed
Education and training
The action contributes to the following objective or enabler
Protect and restore marine and freshwater ecosystems and biodiversity
Prevent and eliminate pollution of our ocean, seas and waters
Make the sustainable blue economy carbon-neutral and circular
Ocean and waters knowledge system
Public mobilisation and engagement
List of Partners

1. Stevns Kommune, 2. Rødvig Havn, 3. Kystdirektoratet, 4. Naturum Öresund Malmö, 5. Stevns Erhverv, 6. Aalborg Universitet, 7. Roskilde Universitet, 8. Syddansk Universitet, 9. Teknologisk Institut, 10. Fiskerikajen ApS, 11. Østdanmarks Fladfiskeforening, 12. Stevns Turistforening, 13. Stevns Klint Experience, 14. Køgebugt Stenrev, 15. Falconi Mare ApS.

Start date of the action
End date of the action
Budget allocated for the action
Basin coverage
Baltic/North Sea