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Maritime Forum

PREP4BLUE -Preparing the R&I Core for Mission Ocean & Waters

Short description of the action

PREP4BLUE’s objective is to facilitate the successful implementation of Mission: Restore our Ocean & Waters, particularly during its first phase (2022-2025). The project will support the Lighthouse(s) initiatives at all project Lifecyle stages (design, implementation, completion, scale up) and ultimately help ensure that the generated knowledge/solutions can move down their respective impact pathways ultimately feeding in to the second phase of the Mission (2026-2030) “Deployment and Upscaling” for maximum the Mission impact.

Through a series of pilots at the Missions demonstrator or 'Lighthouse' sites, PREP4BLUE will develop tools and services that will assist with the co-design and co-implementation of Research and Innovation (R&I) solutions with European citizens and Mission stakeholders. The development of a knowledge ecosystem and innovative communication activities will ensure cohesion and connectivity across sectors, and engage citizens and stakeholders with the Mission.

Expected Results

• A dedicated structure to ensure alignment and connectivity between EC, international, national and regional initiatives contributing to Mission objectives.

• Tested and validated methodologies to ensure active engagement and participation of European citizens and stakeholders in the co-design and co-implementation of the Mission's R&I activities.

• Best practice knowledge management system supported by AI digital tools, to ensure that innovative solutions are identified, managed and effectively taken up by Mission stakeholders.

• Database of relevant projects and their innovative solutions with high potential to contribute to the achievement of the Mission objectives in each of the Lighthouse sites.

• Recommendations for the creation of an enabling environment from a regulatory and economic perspective, that paves the way for public and private investment in future initiatives aligned with the Mission objectives.

• Inspiring and creative communication strategy and actions to encourage citizens and stakeholders to engage with the Mission objectives.

Expected Outcomes and Wider Impact:

• Enhanced preparation for an effective deployment of the mission research and innovation core in the Member States / Associated countries and communities: improved capacity to identify areas and solutions for effective ‘LH demonstrators’ and improved capacity to identify solutions for scale ups, etc.

• Transformative and systemic portfolio approach to solutions addressing the challenges which the ocean, seas and waters are facing, fostering collective social responsibility and demonstrating implementation of ecosystem-based management.

• Increased awareness of stakeholders and citizens about the mission’s objectives, programmes and tools and about the possibilities for their contribution to the mission, as well as improved access of stakeholders (scientific community, businesses, local and regional communities, NGOs and others) to programmes and instruments supporting restoration, conservation and sustainable use of the ocean, seas and waters.

• Full and early uptake and support of the mission by the governments of the Member States and Associated countries, regional and local communities, scientific community, businesses and other stakeholders and citizens.

Name of organisation
Other type of organisation
Type of action proposed
Research and innovation
The action contributes to the following objective or enabler
Protect and restore marine and freshwater ecosystems and biodiversity
Prevent and eliminate pollution of our ocean, seas and waters
Make the sustainable blue economy carbon-neutral and circular
Ocean and waters knowledge system
Public mobilisation and engagement
List of Partners

• IFREMER - Institut Français De Recherche Pour L'exploitation De La Mer (FR);

• ERINN Innovation (IE);

• JPI Oceans - Joint Programming Initiative for Healthy and Productive Seas and Oceans (BE);

• KDM - German Marine Research Consortium (DE);

• VLIZ - Flanders Marine Institute (BE);

• De Blauwe Cluster (BE);

• FhG - Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft (DE);

• FhA - Fraunhofer Austria Research (AT);

• CPMR/CRPM - Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions (FR);

• SDU - University of Southern Denmark (DK);

• CETMAR - Centro Tecnológico del mar – fundación (ES);

• NRI - Nordland Research Institute (NO);

• ICM-CSIC - Institut de Ciències del Mar (ES);

• MaREI - SFI Centre for Energy, Climate and Marine, University College Cork (IE);

• EuroMarine Association (FR);

• CNR - National Research Council of Italy (IT);

• s.Pro - Sustainable Projects (DE);

• GAA - Galway Atlantaquaria (IE).

Start date of the action
End date of the action
Budget allocated for the action
Basin coverage
Website link
Other country
European Union