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Maritime Forum

SEGARRA County within the Coalition of Mayors for Mission Ocean

Short description of the action

Conseil Comarcal de la Segarra is a Catalonian County composed of the 21 municipalities in the Segarra area; its area is 722 square km and the population 22.700. All the municipalities of the County fully share the objectives and approach of the EU Mission Restore our Oceans and Waters. To best contribute to it, the County Strategic Plan, named Segarra 2025, will be put at the disposal of and aligned with the Mission Implementation Plan resulting in a series of project and initiatives called “Mission Segarra”.
The rationale of Mission Segarra is to contribute to the Shared Transition Plan of the “Coalition of Mayors for the Mission” aiming at establishing synergies with interested Municipalities with whom acting together leaving “no one behind”. More specifically it encompasses several actions to be carried out jointly with the Coalition (which SDG4MED is the secretariat of), as follows:
a) deploy solutions to protect, restore and depollute marine and freshwater ecosystems
b) promote development and sharing of knowledge and good practices on sustainable and carbon-neutral blue economy
c) involve citizens, students and private stakeholders.
From a practical viewpoint the County of Segarra already mapped its territorial needs and opportunities and engage to share with the other Mayors of the Coalition its:
1. Projecte 7 - qualification and professional development of citizens aiming at providing all its citizens (workers and not, students, children and elder) with the skills necessary to deploy and promote sustainable use of energy and net zero emissions
2. Projecte 10 –transforming agriculture, the county’s think tank that is defining the path to preserve and restore waters, forestry and soils thank to sustainable agriculture
3. The ongoing action “defend water from you home!”, the decalogue provided to citizens to teach and stimulate them to restore and preserve the water of the County.
The status of the projects and their interim results will be periodically communicated to the Mission through the Coalition of Mayors secretariat (SDG4MED) and through its spokeperson via the BlueMissionMed CSA (which SDG4MED is partner of).

Name of organisation
Conseil Comarcal de la Sagarra
Type of organisation
Regional authority
Type of action proposed
Citizen engagement, citizens-science, youth-led initiatives, communities of practice, ocean and water literacy, outreach, awareness raising and participatory approaches
The action contributes to the following objective or enabler
Prevent and eliminate pollution of our ocean, seas and waters
Make the sustainable blue economy carbon-neutral and circular
Public mobilisation and engagement
List of Partners

SDG4MED, Fundacion Philippe Cousteau, Comune di Ganova, Comune di Mazara del Vallo

Start date of the action
End date of the action
Budget allocated for the action
Basin coverage
Mediterranean Sea
Website link