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Maritime Forum

Alessandro Pititto IT

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EMODnet Human Activities
Your pledge

EMODnet Human Activities pledges to keep on mapping the location and extent of all human activity in the ocean. Data on what we do in our oceans and where we do it is key to protecting them.

What motives you to make a pledge for the Ocean ?

Oceans are key to all life forms on earth. Further, they also hold terrific potential - a part of which is still untapped - for economic growth. But there can't be long-lasting economic growth without environmental sustainability and knowledge. Hence the need for a thorough mapping of what we're doing with our ocean, how we're doing it and where. Over the past 10 years, EMODnet Human Activities has accomplished quite a lot, and it can now boast a wide variety of free, open and interoperable data set on human activity in EU waters. But the road ahead is still long, and there's a lot more to do in terms of coverage and accuracy.

Food from the Ocean
Healthy and Clean ocean