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Maritime Forum

Niamh Flavin IE

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Your pledge

Eurofleets+ pledge through our activities to advance the assessment of Ocean health, create a more ‘Ocean Literate’ society and educate the next generation of European marine scientists.

What motives you to make a pledge for the Ocean ?

The oceans are critically important to sustaining the planet and it is essential that we have better collaborative
management of marine ecosystems. The oceans also contain vast untapped resources; unexploited mineral
resources as well as genes, proteins and other biomolecules of marine life, which may furnish the medicines and
industrial materials of the future.
The ability to explore remote and challenging areas at sea, across a range of oceanographic disciplines, is becoming
increasingly important if we are to understand the complex nature of our oceans and predict future change. For the
foreseeable future, research vessels will be the primary method of oceanographic observation, through direct
observation and via autonomous vehicles.
Eurofleets+ aims to provide access to the North Atlantic, Mediterranean, Black Sea,North Sea, Baltic Sea, Pacific Southern Ocean and Ross Sea and fund excellent science to advanced the assessment of Ocean health as well as furthering Ocean Literacy and Education and Training our the the next generation of marine scientists.

Ocean and climate
Healthy and Clean ocean